Decision to Host the African Union Institute for Statistics – Doc. Assembly/AU/12(XX)Add.5

Doc. Assembly/AU/12(XX) Add.5

  1. WELCOMES the proposal of the Republic of Tunisia for the establishment of an African Union Institute for Statistics in Tunis;

  2. RECOGNIZES the importance of the African Union Institute for Statistics to promote the production of official statistics of the African Union mainly by collecting, harmonizing and aggregating data published by the National Statistics Institutes of African countries;

  3. ALSO RECOGNIZES the importance of the establishment of the African Union Institute for Statistics in the collection and publication of statistical data at the African level in order to shed light on the decisions of African institutions and educate African citizens accordingly;

  4. APPROVES the establishment of the African Union Institute for Statistics that will be based in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia and express gratitude to Tunisia for its commitment to cover operating costs at the stage of its inception;

  5. URGES Member States that have not yet done so to sign, ratify and implement the African Charter on Statistics for its entry into force;

  6. INVITES Development Partners to support the project for the establishment of the African Union Institute for Statistics;

  7. REQUESTS the Commission in collaboration with the Government of Tunisia to take the necessary measures for the effective establishment and hosting of the proposed African Union Institute for Statistics;

  8. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission, in collaboration with the Tunisian government to consider ways and means of establishing the Institute and to report to the Summit in January 2014.

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