Decision on the Implementation of the Global African Diaspora Legacy Projects - Doc. Assembly/AU/12(XXI)Add. 1


Doc. Assembly/AU/12(XXI)Add.1

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE AND WELCOMES the proposal by the Republic of South Africa for the establishment of a self-funding Technical Committee of Experts for the implementation of the Diaspora Legacy Projects;

  2. RECALLS the outcomes of the Global African Diaspora Summit that took place in Sandton, South Africa on the 25 May 2012 and the adoption of the Declaration on the Global African Diaspora Summit;

  3. FURTHER RECALLS the deliberations of the Assembly during its 19th Ordinary Session that took place in Addis Ababa in July 2012 and that which endorsed these outcomes;

  4. RECOGNIZES that such a Technical Committee of Experts will have the necessary capacity and technical expertise to ensure the expeditious implementation of the five Diaspora Legacy Projects;

  5. APPROVES the Establishment of a self-funding Technical Committee of Experts for the implementation of the Diaspora Legacy Projects;

  6. FURTHER APPROVES the composition of the Technical Committee of Experts composed of the Heads/Representatives of the following Institutions:

  1. African Union Commission;

  2. NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA);

  3. African Development Bank;

  4. United Nations Development Programme;

  5. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa;

  6. Regional Economic Communities;

  7. Africa Capacity Building Institute;

  8. Representatives of the Private Sector;

  9. Representatives of the Diaspora;

  10. Heads/Representatives of Implementing Agencies (to be identified)

  1. MANDATES the Technical Committee of Experts to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the Five Legacy Projects that were adopted at the Global African Diaspora Summit in May 2012, and endorsed by the Assembly in July 2012;

  2. FURTHER MANDATES the Committee to establish the parameters, terms of reference, identify implementing agencies and explore funding modalities for the implementation of each of the five legacy projects;

  3. REQUESTS the Commission to facilitate the convening of the first meeting of this Committee in June 2013, in order to expedite the fulfilment of its mandate in this regard;

  4. ALSO REQUESTS the Technical Committee of Experts to report to the next Ordinary Session of the African Union in January 2014.

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