Doc. Assembly/AU/12(XXI) Add.3
The Assembly,
TAKES NOTE of and COMMENDS the proposal by Burkina Faso for the initiative as well as the observations made by Member States on the same;
COMMENDS Burkina Faso for hosting the Symposium of African Movie Professionals as a side event of the 23rd edition of the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO);
CONGRATULATES the President of Burkina Faso, H.E. Blaise Compaore, for the excellent initiative he has taken to place such an important issue on the agenda for discussion by the Assembly;
TAKES NOTE of the Ouagadougou Declaration and the concerns expressed by the participants at the Symposium and endorses the recommendations thereon;
URGES Member States to:
join forces for a more dynamic pursuit of public policies for the African film industry, focusing on priority and innovative actions that could, most expeditiously, allow for the production, dissemination and distribution of African movie and audio-visual products;
establish a credit fund in each Member State as a way to step up film production;
implement the legal instruments and tools provided for in national cultural policies;
ensure progressive and sustainable systematization of co-production with all TV networks.
REQUESTS the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities to support African film production, promote free circulation of African film industry products and activate movie production tools and instruments;
REQUESTS the Commission to report on a regular basis to the Assembly on the status of implementation of this Decision.