Decision on Alternative Sources of Financing the African Union - Doc. Assembly/AU/6(XXI)

Doc. Assembly/AU/6(XXI)

The Assembly,

  1. COMMENDS H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Members of his Panel for the excellent Report and its recommendations;

  2. AGREES that the African Union should be provided with adequate and predictable resources to enable it to fund its programmes, thus reducing the dependency on external resources in this regard;

  3. APPROVES the Report in principle3;

  4. COMMITS to self-reliance in the mobilisation of resources in the financing of the African Union programmes in order to avert undue dependency;

  5. REQUESTS the Commission to submit the Report to the Conference of Ministers of Finance and Economic Planning for their urgent consideration and concrete proposals of financing and the implementation modalities of different options proposed, including exploring increased assessed contributions and other additional proposals by Member States, and report to the Assembly at its next Ordinary Session in January 2014.

3 Reservation entered by the Republic of Cape Verde on Paragraph 3

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