Decision on the Adoption of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project (EAP) - Assembly/AU/16(XXII)Add.5


The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the proposal by the Republic of Ghana for the adoption of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project (EAP) by the African Union;

  2. COMMENDS the Republic of Ghana for its commitment towards the sustenance of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project (EAP) in spite of the numerous challenges;

  3. REQUESTS the Republic of Ghana (Secretariat for the Encyclopaedia Africana Project) to avail itself to work with the African Union Commission and to facilitate consultations with the aim of reviving awareness of all Member States concerning the on-going Project;

  4. CALLS UPON the Commission in consultation with the secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana to submit at the next Summit proposals for sustainable financing of the project, including strategies for making it financially self-reliant;

  5. REQUESTS the Secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project to ensure that its publications are made available in all AU working languages;

  6. FINALLY REQUESTS the African Union Commission to facilitate the formation of National Cooperating Committees in each Member State to be financed by each Member State to enlist the assistance of scholars in various Universities and Research Centres to contribute to the Encyclopaedia.

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