Decision on the International Salon on Invention and Innovation – Doc. EX.CL/839(XXV)

Doc. EX.CL/839(XXV)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the recommendations of the Executive Council on the Report and the recommendations of the Extraordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers in charge of Science and Technology (AMCOST V) in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, from 15 to 18 April 2014;

  2. WELCOMES AND ENDORSES the proposal by Republic of Congo to:

  1. organize in Brazzaville every two years an International Salon on Invention and Innovation under the auspices of the African Union;

  2. host a high level Ethics and Bioethics Forum in Brazzaville.

  1. REQUESTS the Commission to work with the Republic of Congo to prepare the terms of reference for the implementation of the International Salon Initiative and submit them for consideration by the AU Summit in January 2015 and to take the necessary steps to organize the first International Salon;

  2. COMMENDS the progress made by the Republic of Congo, the Commission and the African Academy of science in the implementation of the Denis Sassou N’GUESSO Innovation Prize.

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