Decision on the Report of the Peace and Security Council on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa – Doc. Assembly/AU/4(XXIII)


Doc. Assembly/AU/4(XXIII)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa;

  2. RECALLS its earlier decisions on the reports of the PSC on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa, as well as the Declaration on the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the PSC adopted by the PSC meeting at the level of the Heads of State and Government, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on 25 June 2014;

  3. REITERATES the critical role of the PSC in the promotion of peace, security and stability on the continent and COMMENDS the PSC for the achievements made over the past decade. At the same time, the Assembly NOTES with deep concern the continued prevalence of the scourge of conflict and violence on the continent. Accordingly, the Assembly CALLS FOR renewed efforts by the AU Member States and the Commission, as well as by the Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (RECs/RMs) towards achieving the objective of a conflict-free Africa by 2020, as provided for in the Solemn Declaration adopted at its 21st Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa, on 25 May 2013. In this respect, the Assembly:

  1. STRESSES THE NEED for all concerned to redouble their efforts to prevent the occurrence of conflict and violence, including through the effective implementation of the relevant AU instruments on governance, democracy and human rights;

  2. CALLS FOR renewed efforts for the full operationalization of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and WELCOMES the steps taken to operationalize the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC), as a transitional arrangement. The Assembly LOOKS FORWARD to the successful conduct of the Amani Africa II Exercise, which is expected to validate the full operational capability of the African Standby Force (ASF), EXPRESSES APPRECIATION to the European Union (EU) for financially supporting the Exercise, and CALLS UPON Member States, in the spirit of African leadership and ownership, to provide resources to bridge the remaining financial gap;

  3. STRESSES THE NEED for continued efforts in the area of post­conflict reconstruction and development to consolidate peace where it has been established. In this respect, the Assembly WELCOMES the launching of the African Solidarity Initiative (ASI), in January 2014, and URGES both the

Commission and the AU Member States to spare no efforts to ensure the success of the ASI.

  1. TAKES NOTE WITH APPRECIATION of the proposal made by H.E. Dr. Thomas Yayi Boni, President of the Republic of Benin, regarding the convening, in 2015, of an extraordinary session of the Assembly of the Union on the financing of AU-led peace support operations and other activities aimed at promoting peace, security and stability on the Continent. The Assembly REQUESTS the Commission to initiate consultations with the Benin authorities on the proposal, and report thereon at its next Ordinary Session;

  2. WELCOMES the continued progress in post-conflict reconstruction and development and peace building processes in The Comoros, Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the authorities of these countries and other stakeholders to pursue and intensify their efforts, and CALLS UPON international partners to continue to extend the required support for the consolidation of the gains being made;

  3. TAKES NOTE WITH SATISFACTION, of the continued positive evolution of the situation in Madagascar, including the appointment of a new Prime Minister and the formation of a new Government. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the Malagasy authorities and other stakeholders to continue to work together to build on the progress made, including in the promotion of national reconciliation and the deepening of democracy. The Assembly WELCOMES the transformation of the International Contact Group on Madagascar (ICG-M) into an International Support Group for Madagascar (ISG-M), as agreed during the 9th meeting of the ICG-M held in Antananarivo, on 28 March 2014;

  4. WELCOMES the completion of the Transition and the restoration of constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau following the presidential and legislative elections held on 13 April and 18 May 2014, as well as the resumption of the participation of Guinea-Bissau in the activities of the AU, following the decision adopted by the PSC at its 442nd meeting, held on 17 June 2014. The Assembly COMMENDS the leadership and people of Guinea-Bissau for the achievements made, ENCOURAGES them to continue to demonstrate the same commitment to address the many challenges facing their country, including the required structural reforms, and URGES the Member States and partners to extend the much-needed financial and socio-economic support to Guinea-Bissau, including by actively participating in and pledging resources during the planned donors round table for the country;

  5. FURTHER WELCOMES the restoration of constitutional order in Egypt following the constitutional referendum and the presidential election held in January and May 2014, respectively, NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the resumption of Egypt’s participation in the activities of the AU. The Assembly COMMENDS the members of the AU High-Level Panel for Egypt, namely, former Presidents Alpha Oumar Konare of Mali and Festus Mogae of Botswana, as well as former Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita of Djibouti, for the dedication and commitment

with which they fulfilled the mandate entrusted to them, WELCOMES the final report of the Panel and CALLS FOR the effective implementation of the recommendations contained therein, as endorsed by the PSC at its 442nd meeting held on 17 June 2014;

  1. WELCOMES the positive developments that have taken place in Somalia, including the successful conduct, by AMISOM and the Somali National Army (SNA), of the joint military operation code-named Operation Eagle against Al Shabaab, and ENCOURAGES the Somali stakeholders to pursue and intensify their efforts in achieving national reconciliation, the formation of a cohesive Federation and the conduct of credible general elections in 2016. The Assembly REITERATES ITS APPRECIATION to the AMISOM troop and police contributing countries, IGAD and its Member States for their continued engagement and the sacrifices made, as well as to the United Nations and other international partners, including the EU, for their continued support to the efforts of the AU and those of the Federal Government of Somalia. The Assembly CALLS FOR the provision of adequate financial and socio-economic support to Somalia within the framework of the New Deal Compact, as well as for generous contributions to the UN-administrated Trust Fund for the SNA. The Assembly, noting with concern the looming humanitarian disaster in Somalia, APPEALS to the international community to provide adequate humanitarian support to Somalia;

  2. REITERATES THE NEED for renewed efforts to assist Ethiopia and Eritrea in overcoming the impasse in the implementation of the peace process between the two countries and ENCOURAGES the Commission to take appropriate steps in this respect, in line with the relevant provisions of the PSC Protocol. The Assembly REITERATES its earlier pronouncements on the relations between Djibouti and the State of Eritrea, WELCOMES the commitments of the two countries to overcome the challenges at hand, as expressed by the two heads of state during the visit the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security undertook to Djibouti and Eritrea in April and May 2014;

  3. EXPRESSES CONCERN over the continued conflict in Darfur and the resulting impact on the human rights and humanitarian situation, STRESSES the need for continued efforts to stabilize the situation on the ground and promote an inclusive political process, within the framework of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD). In this respect, the Assembly ENCOURAGES the Joint Special Representative and Joint Chief Mediator (JSR/JCM) to pursue and intensify his efforts to bring on board the holdout armed movements and WELCOMES the convening of a second support Umjaras meeting to the peace process at the initiative of President Idriss Deby Itno of Chad. The Assembly EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the on-going fighting in the Two Areas of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, with the attendant serious humanitarian consequences and APPEALS to the parties, namely the Government of The Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/North (SPLM/N), to extend full cooperation to the AU High-Level Implementation Panel for The Sudan and South Sudan (AUHIP) in its facilitation efforts. The Assembly WELCOMES the National Initiative Dialogue announced by President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir in January 2014,

UPON all stakeholders to work towards creating an enabling environment for the success of this Initiative. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the AUHIP to extend all necessary support to this Initiative;

  1. EXPRESSES ITS DEEP CONCERN over the grave security and humanitarian situation in South Sudan and ECHOES the statement made by the 26th Extraordinary Summit of IGAD, held on 10 June 2014, expressing disappointment at the failures of both parties to honour their commitments to date, and CALLS UPON THEM to live up to their commitments and the expectations of their people. The Assembly REITERATES AU’S DEEP APPRECIATION to IGAD and its Chairperson, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn of Ethiopia, the other leaders of the region, as well as to the IGAD Mediation Team, for their sustained efforts and the results achieved to date, including the signing, in Addis Ababa, on 9 May 2014, by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar, of the Agreement to Resolve the Crisis in South Sudan, the lunching of a multi-stakeholders political process in Addis Ababa and the deployment of the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Teams (MVTs). The Assembly WELCOMES the adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2155 (2014), enhancing the strength and mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), including the deployment of three battalions with additional responsibility for protecting the MVTs, as well as contributing to the implementation of the Mission's overall mandate. The Assembly NOTES WITH APPRECIATION the work done by the AU Commission of Inquiry, COMMENDS former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and other members of the Commission for their commitment, CALLS UPON all the concerned parties, in particular the Government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in opposition, to extend full cooperation to the Commission, and LOOKS FORWARD to its final report;

  2. WELCOMES the continued commitment of The Sudan and South Sudan to implement the Cooperation Agreements they signed in Addis Ababa on 27 September 2012, with the support of the AUHIP, and NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the progress achieved to date. The Assembly URGES the two countries to make renewed efforts towards the resolution of the outstanding issues, notably the conclusive determination of the centre line of the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone (SDBZ), the demarcation of the border and the determination of the status of the five disputed border areas, as well as the resolution of the Abyei issue, including the urgent and full implementation of Temporary Arrangements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area, in line with the relevant PSC decisions and the commitments made by the two countries at various bilateral Summits. The Assembly WELCOMES the Joint Approach to the international community for assistance to The Sudan and South Sudan through transitional financial assistance to The Sudan, development support to South Sudan, comprehensive debt relief and lifting of economic sanctions imposed on The Sudan, EXPRESSES SUPPORT for the conclusions of the Tripartite Committee established in the context of the Cooperation Agreements, reached at its meeting, held in Addis Ababa, from 31 May to 3 June 2014, and REQUESTS the AUHIP to continue supporting the efforts of the two countries;

  3. REITERATES its earlier decisions on the need for a regional and holistic approach to the challenges to peace, security and stability in the Horn of Africa, in support to IGAD, and REQUESTS the Commission, in line with the relevant PSC communique, to expedite its efforts, including consultations with the IGAD Chair, towards the implementation of this approach and the envisaged convening of a regional conference on peace, security, cooperation and development in the Horn of Africa;

  4. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the progress made in the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of The Congo (DRC) and the Region, and ENCOURAGES the countries of the region, with the support of the international community, to pursue and enhance on-going efforts, especially in the area of socio-economic development. The Assembly NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the measures taken by the DRC and MONUSCO to neutralize the armed groups, but CALLS FOR continued and enhanced efforts, particularly with respect to the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). The Assembly EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the expressed commitment of the Burundian authorities to continue to work towards the consolidation of peace and reconciliation in their country, and ENCOURAGES all the stakeholders to work in the same direction and to create the requisite conditions for the successful conduct of the general elections scheduled in 2015;

  5. EXPRESSES CONCERN about the persistent insecurity in the Central African Republic (CAR) and the resulting humanitarian and human rights consequences. The Assembly EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the remarkable work accomplished by the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA), with the support of the Sangaris Operation and EUFOR-RCA, EXPRESSES CONCERN over attempts to undermine MISCA’s contribution to the stabilization of the situation, and TOTALLY REJECTS such attempts. The Assembly REITERATES ITS DEEP GRATITUDE to the countries contributing troops and police personnel to MISCA and to the leaders of the region, especially President Idriss Deby Itno of Chad, current Chairman of ECCAS, as well as to President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of Congo, ECCAS Mediator in the CAR crisis, for their commitment. The Assembly URGES the political and other CAR stakeholders to demonstrate the required political will and determination for the promotion of lasting peace and reconciliation in their country, UNDERSCORES the urgent need to disarm the armed militia, WARNS all those seeking to undermine the on-going process and CALLS UPON the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions against them. The Assembly LOOKS FORWARD to the planned transformation of MISCA into a UN peacekeeping operation and EMPHASIZES the crucial role that the region and AU should continue to play after the re-hatting of MISCA;

  6. RENEWS AU SUPPORT for the efforts aimed at consolidating the progress made in the stabilization of Mali, the restoration of State authority over the entire national territory and the consolidation of peace in that country. The Assembly PAYS TRIBUTE to President Mohamed Quid Abdel Aziz of Mauritania for having

facilitated the conclusion, on 23 May 2014, of a Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of Mali and the armed movements after the regrettable incidents that took place in Kidal, in the north of the country. The Assembly WELCOMES the nomination by President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of a High Representative to the Inclusive Talks provided for in the 18 June 2013 Ouagadougou Agreement, PAYS TRIBUTE to the neighbouring countries, notably Algeria and Burkina Faso, as well as to the regional and international partners, for the efforts they are deploying to facilitate these Talks and, in this regard, EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the signing, by the armed movements, of the Algiers Declaration and Preliminary Platform, in Algiers on 9 and 14 June 2014, respectively. The Assembly ENCOURAGES all Malian stakeholders concerned to work towards the speedy convening of the Inclusive Talks. The Assembly CONDEMNS the attacks perpetrated by the terrorist and armed groups in northern Mali, and DEMANDS the immediate withdrawal of these groups from the public buildings and areas they are occupying and their return to the positions they held prior to 17 May 2014;

  1. REAFFIRMS the need for sustained efforts to deal in a holistic, collective and coordinated manner with the multidimensional challenges facing the Sahel region. The Assembly UNDERSCORES the importance of the role of the Ministerial Platform set up in November 2013 and tasked to coordinate international efforts on the Sahel, and WELCOMES the elaboration by the AU of a Strategy for the Sahel and ENCOURAGES the AU Mission for Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL) to pursue and intensify its efforts in support of the countries of the region. The Assembly REAFFIRMS ITS SUPPORT for the Nouakchott Process on the Enhancement of Security Cooperation and the Operationalization of APSA in the Sahelo-Saharan region;

  2. REITERATES its earlier decisions on the situation in Western Sahara and the need for renewed efforts to facilitate an early resolution of the conflict which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, as provided for in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. The Assembly WELCOMES the consultations being undertaken by former President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique, as AU Special Envoy, with the permanent members of the Security Council and Spain, as the former administrative power, as well as with the UN Secretariat, as a follow-up to the relevant AU decisions and in support of the UN efforts, and LOOKS FORWARD to the submission, by the Commission, in due course, of a report on the situation;

  3. WELCOMES the success of the democratic transition process in Tunisia, following the adoption of the new constitution and the electoral law, as well as the establishment of the High Independent Organ for Elections, opening up encouraging prospects regarding the organization of the forthcoming elections, and PAYS TRIBUTE to the role played by the PSC, through the Panel of the Wise, in the successful conclusion of the process;

  4. EXPRESSES CONCERN about the prevailing situation in Libya and its impact on the conduct of the on-going transition and the cohesion of the country, as well as

on the regional security and stability. The Assembly STRONGLY CONDEMNS all acts of violence in Libya, and APPEALS to all Libyan stakeholders to put the interest of their country above any other consideration and to work together for the early completion of the current transition and WELCOMES the successful organization of the legislative elections on 25 June 2014. The Assembly FURTHER WELCOMES the appointment by the Chairperson of the Commission of a Special Envoy for Libya in the person of former Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita of Djibouti, and LOOKS FORWARD to his interactions with the Libyan authorities and other stakeholders, as well as with the relevant international partners. The Assembly WELCOMES the decision reached by Libya, the neighbouring countries and the Commission, following the consultative meeting held in Malabo, on the margins of the 23rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly, to put in place a ministerial level panel to enhance Africa’s support for Libya to ensure the successful conclusion of the on-going transition;


EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the continued threat of terrorism in Africa, particularly in the Sahelo-Saharan region, the Horn of Africa, including in Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti, as well as in the Central African region with the attacks carried out by the Lord Resistance Army (LRA). The Assembly STRONGLY CONDEMNS the attacks carried out by various terrorist groups, and EXPRESSES OUTRAGE at the cowardly kidnapping, by Boko Haram, of over two hundred young girls in northern Nigeria. The Assembly WELCOMES the on­going AU’s efforts to address the scourge of terrorism, notably through the cooperative mechanisms being implemented by the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT), the Nouakchott Process, the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord’s Resistance Army (RCI- LRA) and AMISOM. The Assembly, in view of the seriousness of the threat posed by terrorism, STRESSES THE URGENCY of renewed efforts towards the effective implementation of the AU counter-terrorism framework, including the signing and ratification of the relevant instruments, notably the 1999 Algiers Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism and its 2004 Protocol, which entered into force on 26 February 2014. In this respect, the Assembly REQUESTS the PSC to devote a meeting, at summit level, to the issue of terrorism. The Assembly FULLY SUPPORTS the steps agreed upon by the Heads of Intelligence and Security Services of the countries of the Sahelo- Saharan region, at their 5th meeting held in Ouagadougou, on 20 and 21 May 2014, regarding Boko Haram, including the conduct of a study on the possible establishment of a Regional Task Force along the lines of the RCI-LRA, bearing in mind the initiatives underway within the framework of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, and STRESSES THE NEED for the urgent implementation of these measures. The Assembly EXPRESSES concern over the establishment of military bases on the continent that are designed to delay the operationalization of APSA and STRESSES the need for sustained support for the efforts being made by Africa to enhance its ownership and leadership in the fight against terrorism in Africa.

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