Decision on the Framework for a Renewed UN/AU Partnership on Africa`s Integration and Development Agenda [PAIDA] 2017-2027 - Doc. EX.CL/913(XXVII)

Doc. EX.CL/913(XXVII)

The Assembly,

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the United Nations System for the invaluable support, through past and ongoing programmes, that it has provided its Member States in their efforts to promote development, integration and peace and security at the national level and through the various institutions at the regional and continental levels;

  2. WELCOMES the initiative of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) to develop a new UN /AU Partnership, , as the successor programme to the Framework for the Ten Year Capacity Building [TYCBP-AU] which expires in 2016; namely the Framework for a Renewed UN/AU Partnership on Africa's Integration and Development Agenda, [PAIDA] 2017 to 2027;

  3. NOTES

  1. that the proposed Framework, PAIDA, [including its Executive Summary] is based on important principles, including ownership and leadership by the African Union; respect for Africa's policy space; consultation and coordination; faithfulness to commitments made; pro-active engagement; strategic partnership and accountability; and that in accordance with these principles, PAIDA is anchored on the over-arching blueprint of the AU, namely Agenda 2063,and takes into account other major blue prints such as the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Agenda;

  2. that there is concern that funding constraints have hampered the smooth implementation of TYCBP-AU, as indicated in the reports which have emanated from the various reviews conducted by the RCM;


  1. the United Nations to take the necessary measures to further enhance its cooperation with the African Union, especially in the context of the implementation of AU Agenda 2063, as well as that of PAIDA as the overall platform for UN/AU cooperation;

  2. the United Nations General Assembly to make adequate, regular and dedicated budgetary allocations for the effective implementation of PAIDA; and

  3. all UN Departments, Agencies, Offices and funds participating in the RCM, to make regular provisions to this end and to continue to coordinate their efforts and deliver as one.


  1. the Chairperson of the Commission and the United Nations Secretary General to submit annual and triennial review reports to the Assembly and the United Nations General Assembly on the progress achieved in the implementation of PAIDA;

  2. the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a Resolution at its 70th Session in support of PAIDA and maintain existing institutional arrangements for collaboration with Africa at the continental level, including preserving the status of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa as the sole Economic Commission for the continent, with a view to ensuring continental integrity.

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