Doc. EX.CL/986(XXIX)
TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Commission on the implementation of the Assembly decision on the Hissene Habre trial;
CONGRATULATES the Republic of Chad, the Commission, AU Partners, Countries and Institutions that contributed to the establishment and funding of the African Extraordinary Chambers towards the successful conclusion of proceedings in the Hissene Habre case;
EXPRESSES ITS GRATITUDE and COMMENDS the Republic of Senegal for having adequately discharged the mandate to have Hissene Habre prosecuted by the competent African Extraordinary Chambers with all the guarantees for a fair trial;
WELCOMES the decision of the African Extraordinary Chambers in the Hissene Habre case;
NOTES the Commission’s effort on the operationalization of the Appeals Chamber of the African Extraordinary Chambers to hear appeals from the decision of the Trial Chamber;
PURSUANT to Articles 27 and 28 of the Statute of the African Extraordinary Chambers on the need to address reparation for victims and the establishment of a reparation fund for victims, DECIDES:
That a Trust Fund on reparations for rightful victims of crimes within the jurisdiction of the African Extraordinary African Chamber shall be established under the auspices of the Union;
To request the Commission, in collaboration with the Government of Chad to organize a pledging Conference involving Member States, Partner Countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other entities for voluntary contributions to the fund for the victims;
That the Executive Council shall make resources available to the Commission for the organization of the pledging conference.