Decision on Aids Watch Africa (AWA)

Decision on Aids Watch Africa (AWA)


The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) Report and ENDORSES the recommendations contained therein including on the Africa Health Strategy, the Maputo Plan of Action, and the Catalytic Framework to End AIDS, Tuberculosis and Eliminate Malaria in Africa by 2030;

  2. URGES Member States to further strengthen their health systems and align their National Strategic Plans with the Africa Health Strategy and the Catalytic Framework to End AIDS, TB and Eliminate Malaria in Africa by 2030;

  3. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the significant progress made in reducing AIDS-related deaths, New HIV infections and elimination of mother to child transmission while the fight against Tuberculosis requires more concerted efforts and investments;

  4. EXPRESSES CONCERN that AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections are increasing in North Africa while there is insufficient progress in reducing AIDS related deaths and New HIV infections as well as the elimination of mother to child transmission in West and Central Africa;

  5. WELCOMES the 2016 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS “On the Fast Track to Accelerate the Fight Against HIV and to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2030” which aligns with and supports the implementation of the targets set in the Common Africa Position and the Catalytic Framework;

  6. NOTES the significant progress made in the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa (PMPA) and its Business Plan and REQUESTS the Commission and the NEPAD, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Word Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS as well as other stakeholders to further accelerate on-going efforts to ensure access to affordable and quality assured medicines;

  7. RECALLS our previous commitments to domestic financing for health and accountability and ENDORSES the Africa Scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health;

  8. REQUESTS the Commission in collaboration with WHO and other partners to support countries in strengthening National Health Accounts and submit the Africa Scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health annually to the Assembly;

  9. INVITES Member States to share best practices on innovative and domestic financing for health and APPEALS to Member States to explore innovative mechanisms in order to increase the allocation of domestic financing for health including health insurance schemes;

  10. REQUESTS the Commission in partnership with all stakeholders to conduct a wide consultative process to develop the new AWA Strategic Framework (2016-2020);

  11. CALLS UPON Member States and other stakeholders to support the 5th Replenishment Target of the Global Fund in order to end AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria as public health threats by 2030, and to build resilient and sustainable health systems;

  12. INVITES Member States to ensure that Environmental and Social Impact Assessments of large capital projects incorporate health considerations by improving the costing, allocation and monitoring of health mitigation measures;

  13. REQUESTS the Chairperson of AWA to report on the progress made to the June/July 2017 Ordinary Session of the Assembly.

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