Decision on Hosting the African Union Centre for Post- Conflict Reconstruction and Development


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS its decision Assembly/AU/Dec.351(XVI) of January 2011 on the establishment of the African Union Centre for Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (AUCPCRD), upon the proposal of the Arab Republic of Egypt;

  2. ALSO RECALLS Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.840(XXV) of June 2014 requesting the Commission to continue consulting with the Governments of Egypt and Uganda with a view to reaching an amicable solution on the location of the Centre;

  3. EXPRESSES SINCERE APPRECIATION to the Republic of Uganda for withdrawing its offer to host the AUCPCRD in favour of the Arab Republic of Egypt;

  4. ACCEPTS the offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and DECIDES that the Arab Republic of Egypt will host the AUCPCRD. In this respect, the Assembly EXTENDS ITS SINCERE APPRECIATION to the commitment demonstrated by Egypt, and REQUESTS that consultations start immediately with the AU Commission towards early establishment of the AUCPCRD;

  5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to:

  1. initiate and finalize the Host Agreement with the Arab Republic of Egypt; in accordance with the AU Rules and Regulations;

  2. develop the structure of the AUCPCRD and prepare a comprehensive report on the financial and technical needs of the AUCPCRD for consideration by the relevant AU Policy Organs, prior to its submission to the Ordinary Session of the Assembly, through the Executive Council, scheduled for February 2019.

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