Recommendations on educational systems in conflict and post-conflict countries

African Union

Recommendations on educational systems in conflict and post-conflict countries

PUT IN PLACE a synergy of action between all the actors (UNESCO/BREDA, ADEA, African Union Commission Division on Education) in order to positively influence the educational policies of conflict and post-conflict countries;ENCOURAGE the putting in place of Parliamentary resources to make education a force in favour of peace;ENSURE the training of teachers by adapting it to the psychological needs of children traumatized by violence resulting from conflicts;PAY a more sustained attention to the vulnerable strata, in particular people with disabilities who are in need of infrastructure adapted to their needs;FOCUS more seriously on the teaching of African languages in school programmes;EXHORT African countries to allocate maximum resources to the educational system in order to ensure education for all by 2015 (given that the attainment of this objective could positively impact on the other indicators of the Millennium Development Goals);URGE national Parliaments to carry out a more rigorous control on the resources allocated to the educational sector;ENSURE the monitoring of the symposium with the support of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).STRENGTHEN partnership on the one hand, between the Permanent Committee on Education of the PAP and on the other hand, between partners working in the domain of education, such as UNESCO, ADEA and the African Union Commission on Education, by multiplying meetings;TAKE into account the achievement of the fundamental objective of the African Union which is the socio-economic integration of the continent by a progressive harmonization of the educational systems, through Regional Economic Communities.
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