Recommendation on Pan-African Parliament peace mission to Darfur

Recommendation on Pan-African Parliament peace mission to Darfur

African Union

Recommendation on Pan-African Parliament peace mission to Darfur

1.GUIDED by the findings of the Pan-African Parliamentar Fact-Finding Mission on Darfur;
2.RECOGNIZING the fundamental principle that African countries will be guided by the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes, with emphasis on seeking African solutions to African problems;
3.ACKNOWLEDGING that this principle cannot be realized unless the African Union assumes the primary role of promoting peace, security, stability, development and co-operation in Africa;
4.CONSIDERING the realities on the ground in Sudan which avail opportunity for the sharing of power and wealth by all regions in the Sudan including Darfur;
5.NOTING that this sharing of power and wealth can only be realised in a climate of peace and tranquility;
RECOMMENDS that the African Union should ensure;
(a)that the political negotiations in Abuja which are designed to establish a democratic culture in Darfur that can guarantee the population a fair share of power and resources are both accelerated and time bound;
(b)that the Naivasha Model is adopted to conclude the negotiation so as to ensure complementality in implementation of the mechanism for sharing power and resources in the Sudan;
(c)that the terms of the agreement incorporate periodic consultation with all stake holders in the Sudanese Society to ensure that no group is excluded or marginalized in the sharing of power and resources;
(d)that immediate steps are taken to influence the Sudanese government to find ways and means of quantifying and qualifying the loses caused by the war and launch a Trust Fund with the support of the African Union and the International Community to finance a comprehensive resettlement programme for refugees and displaced persons;
(e)that the mandate of the African Union Mission is enhanced to include protection of the population in Darfur;
(f)that AMIS administrative structures are developed in line with the proposals in the Pan-African Parliament Report on the Fact-Finding Mission to Darfur;
(g)that the Joint Commission mentioned in the Humanitarian Cease Fire Agreement or a similar institution is established to receive reports and address queries of violations;
(h)that the Joint Commission establishes close relationship with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights to review the course of action that should be taken to address allegations of violations of human and people’s rights, war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity;
(i)that particular emphasis is given to the disarming of groups which are not parties to the Cease Fire Agreement, especially the Jan Jaweed, so as to bring the whole population of Darfur on board to negotiate for peace under a climate of democratic discourse; and
(j)that the Peace and Security Council of the Union begin urgent consultation with the UN Security Council to facilitate complementality in approaches of promoting a final settlement of the Darfur crisis to foster dispensation of justice at the right time and under the right circumstances to avert any reversal of the gains made in resolving the crisis;
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