Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa

Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa

African Union

Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa

The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):DEEPLY CONCERNED by the resurgence of and the proliferation of armed conflicts in Africa;MINDFUL of its objective to promote peace, security and stability;CONSIDERING THAT the conflicts are caused, by among others, the lack of democracy, poor governance, poor leadership, corruption, manipulation of processes of accession to and retention of political office, in addition to ethnic conflicts;APPRECIATING THE concerted effort spear headed by the African Union with the support of the United Nations and development partners to find long-term solutions to the armed conflicts in the Côte D’ I’voire; The Sudan, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Great Lakes Region;
1.The African Union (AU) should develop a mechanism to enforce the provisions of the Constitutive Act concerning the promotion of peace, security and stability on the African Continent.
2.The on going efforts be intensified to secure lasting peace in Côte D’ Ivoire, The Sudan, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Great Lakes Region.
3.The conflict prevention mechanism established under the auspices of the ACP should be operationalised.
4.All peace agreements should be signed and respected by all parties, especially, the recent Darfur Peace Agreement signed in Abuja.
5.The ongoing peace efforts led by the AU with the support of the United Nation and others are intensified to secure lasting peace.
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