Regional Economic Communities (RECs)

African Union

Regional Economic Communities (RECs)

  • Published on 31 December 2006
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2006.]
  • [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2006 because the work was published during the course of the year 2006.]
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):REAFFIRMING the key role of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as building blocks for the integration, social–political and economic development for the African Continent;CONCERNED at the proliferation of Regional Economic Communities and their overlapping mandates;FURTHER CONCERNED that, the proliferation of RECs has resulted into multiple membership, thus, negating the capacity to meet several financial obligations to the RECs;APPRECIATIVE of the on going efforts led by the African Union (AU) to rationalize and harmonize the mandates, roles and objectives of the RECs;RECALLING the obligation of Pan African Parliament pursuant to Article 3(9) of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament which state that, "PAP should facilitate cooperation among Regional Economic Communities and their Parliamentary Fora", to establish a working relationship with RECs and the need for PAP to contribute to the rationalization and harmonization of the RECs;
1.The efforts so far undertaken by the African Union (AU) in the rationalisation and the harmonisation of the RECs be sustained;
2.The participants in the efforts to rationalise and harmonise RECs should include the in-put of parliamentarians, civil society, private sector and the appropriate organs of the AU; and
3.All reports on the processes to harmonise and rationalise RECs should be submitted to PAP at the end of every Financial Year of the African Union.
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