Recommendation on ongoing actions to obtain the release of 300 young Nigerian girls abducted by the terrorist group "Boko Haram"

Recommendation on ongoing actions to obtain the release of 300 young Nigerian girls abducted by the terrorist group "Boko Haram"

African Union

Recommendation on ongoing actions to obtain the release of 300 young Nigerian girls abducted by the terrorist group "Boko Haram"

Deploring the abduction of 300 young Nigerian girls held hostage by the terrorist group "Boko Haram" in Chibok, Nigeria, on 15 April 2014;Considering that the women and girls are from a vulnerable group, of significant demographic importance and an asset to the world;Acknowledging the efforts already undertaken for the release of the detained girls held hostage by the terrorist group "Boko Haram";Commending the worldwide campaign undertaken called "Bring back our Girls";Considering that African leaders have an obligation to provide the means to protect the African peoples;
The Pan-African Parliament decides to:
1.Express its solidarity with the families of the abducted girls;
2.Vehemently condemn all forms of violence perpetrated against women in general and to these abducted girls in particular;
3.Request that measures be taken for the unconditional release of the abducted girls;
4.Appeal to the Authorities of Nigeria as well as to the international community to take further action to secure their release;
5.Request the Nigerian Government and the International community to apprehend and bring to justice the terrorist group "Boko Haram"; and
6.Condemn the use of religion to carry out criminal activities.
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