Resolution on signing of adherence to the African Peer Review Mechanism

African Union

Resolution on signing of adherence to the African Peer Review Mechanism

The Pan African Parliament;1.COGNIZANT of the urgency of a monitoring system for implementation of agreed policies and programmes by member states;2.RECALLING the Parliaments Rules of Procedure with special reference to Rule 5 on Powers of Parliament with regard to its oversight function in the development and implementation of policies and programmes of the Union;3.AWARE of the possibility of some member states not implementing some of the agreed continental policies and programmes;
THEREFORE RESOLVES to reiterate PAP-Rec 002/04 that National Parliaments of all Member States that have not signed the African Peer Review Mechanism (ARPM) urge their governments to accede to APRM as a demonstration of their commitment to democracy and good governance in Africa.
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