TAKES NOTE of the Report;
EXPRESSES GRAVE CONCERN at the escalation of the war and at its catastrophic humanitarian consequences, particularly on the already precarious situation of vulnerable people especially women, old people and children as well as displaced persons;
WELCOMES the Angolan Government reaffirmation of its commitments to the Lusaka Protocol as well as the measures taken to facilitate the search for a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict, particularly the adoption of the Amnesty Law, the establishment of a Peace and Reconciliation Fund and the announcement about the organization of elections in the year 2002;
URGES UNITA to translate into concrete action the statements it made regarding the validity of the Lusaka Protocol particularly by taking appropriate measures to end the hostilities as well as by discharging all its obligations under this Protocol;
NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the work accomplished by the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on the Follow-up of the Sanctions imposed against UNITA by the United Nations Security Council and URGES all Member States to cooperate fully with this Committee especially by providing any information at their disposal and strictly complying with the sanctions against UNITA;
REQUESTS the OAU Ad Hoc Committee to pursue its efforts in conformity with the recommendations contained in its report to Council;
ALSO EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the work done by the Monitoring Mechanism established by the United Nations pursuant to Resolution 1295 (2000) of 18 April 2000, as well as the activities undertaken by the Security Council Committee on Sanctions Against UNITA;
URGES the international community to cooperate fully with the United Nations to ensure strict application of the sanctions against UNITA;
EXPRESSES ITS GRAVE CONCERN over the repeated violations of the International Humanitarian Law and URGES UNITA to comply with this Law and put an immediate end to its indiscriminate attacks against civilian populations and the personnel of humanitarian agencies.