Council :
TAKES NOTE of the Report;
EXPRESSES serious concern about the alarming situation of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa;
EXPRESSES ITS DEEP GRATITUDE to countries of asylum for the hospitality and generosity extended to refugees and considering the heavy burden placed on them, CALLS ON the international community to extend its solidarity by increasing assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in the Continent;
URGES countries of origin and host countries, in consultation with the OAU and the UNHCR to promote the voluntary repatriation of refugees who wish to return home, in conformity with the relevant OAU Convention on the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa, the United Nations Convention on refugee status and other relevant international legal instruments, including the establishment of a safe and secure environment;
APPEALS to Member States and other concerned parties to address the security situation of refugees and aid-workers in accordance with this year’s theme of Africa Refugees Day “Security of refugees and the challenges arising from the presence of armed persons in the refugee camps”;
COMMENDS the positive steps so far taken by the OAU Commission on Refugees in the implementation of its
Programme of Action adopted by the Council of Ministers in 1996 and REQUESTS the Commission to pursue its efforts;
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REQUESTS the Secretary General to continue to support all efforts being made at sub-regional and regional levels in the search for lasting solutions to the problems of refugees, returnees and displaced persons;
REQUESTS finally the Secretary General to intensify its cooperation with UNHCR with a view to repatriating the refugees to their countries of origin anytime the conditions for repatriation are fulfilled, including the establishment of safe havens.