TAKES NOTE of the report;
ENDORSES the recommendations as contained in the report by the Twenty-Fourth Ordinary Session of the OAU Labour and Social Affairs Commission and all relevant documents contained therein;
CALLS UPON the General Secretariat to put in place a followup mechanism to monitor the implementation of the various recommendations and decisions taken by the Commission;
REQUESTS Member States to seriously promote the issues of tripartism and social dialogue at national level with all civil society groups, including women and youth;
REITERATES the wish of Member States for the ILO and other Development Partners to extend the “Jobs for Africa”programme to all Member States and develop sustainable jobs to bring an end to Contractual condition” of the labour market in Africa;
URGES the ILO to expedite its programme of technical cooperation to promote fundamental principles and rights at work, strengthen the capacities of the multidisciplinary teams and support Member States in implementing the eight fundamental ILO Conventions;
REQUESTS the General Secretariat to convene a high level Seminar to further consider the draft OAU Policy Framework and Plan of Action on Ageing and submit the recommendations to the 25th Session of the OAU Labour and Social Affairs Commission;
CALLS UPON Member States to consider the issue of trafficking in children and women as an abuse of human rights and enact and implement national legislation against trafficking in children and women;
FURTHER CALLS UPON Member States to establish National Youth Councils or other permanent institutions for youth and involve youth in the formulation and implementation of youth programmes and to participate actively in the Fourth World Youth Forum to be held in Dakar, Senegal in August 2001;
REITERATES the need for Member States to adopt strategies to extend social security and protection based on economic, social and political context of each country and to respect gender equality in social security issues;
CALLS UPON the Pan-African Youth Movement to expand its programmes and activities in the area of HIV/AIDS and extend its programmes in all parts of Africa, including southern Africa;
REQUEST Member States to implement the provisions of the Declaration on the African Decade of Disabled Persons and CALLS UPON the African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI) to elaborate an African Common Position on people with disabilities.