Decision Relating to the Resolution (Regulation) on Establishment of a Strategic Framework for a Policy of Migration in Africa



  1. TAKES NOTE of the report;

  2. RECOGNIZES the challenges African countries are facing in regard to the flow of irregular migration, trafficking and migrant right as well as HIV/AIDS and related issues;

  3. NOTES WITH CONCERN the “Brain-Drain” issue affecting our continent in a moment where our countries need their qualified and skilled manpower to face the globalization challenges;

  4. RECOMMENDS to Member States to work towards free movement of people and to strengthening intra-regional and inter-regional co-operation in matters concerning migration on the basis of the established processes of migration dialogue at regional and sub-regional levels and to create enabling conditions for the participation of migrants, in particular, African Diaspora in the development of their home countries;

  5. ENCOURAGES Member States to work towards the development of a strategic framework for migration policy in Africa that could contribute to addressing the challenges posed by migration, but also make effective use of the opportunity presented by the phenomenon and thereby ensuring the integration of migration and related issues into their national and regional agenda for security, stability, development and cooperation;

  6. REQUESTS the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in partnership with the OAU, ADB, the International community and funding organizations and other stakeholders, to strengthen their activities in the Continent by promoting specific development projects in areas pre­disposed to international migration; as well as health and legal protection of the rights of migrants in their capacity as vulnerable persons, specially in conflict and transit areas and to set-up, in collaboration with Member States, research networks into the Continent in order to enhance Member States ability to formulate migration policies;

  7. CALLS UPON IOM to continue to help African countries to encourage and facilitate the return of their qualified expatriate nationals and promote the initiated programme of Migration for the development of Africa (MIDA);

  8. FINALLY REQUESTS the Secretary General, in collaboration with IOM and other interested partners, to establish such modalities that would enable monitoring and support of the activities relating to migration in the Continent and submit regular reports thereon to the Council.

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