Decision on Somalia


The Assembly:

1. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the achievements made in the Somalia peace and reconciliation process under the auspices of the Inter- Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and CONGRATULATES the people and the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFG) of Somalia for the success so far achieved;

2. WELCOMES the decision adopted by the 22nd Meeting of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) held on 5 January 2005, in which the PSC accepted, in principle, the deployment of an AU Peace Support Mission in Somalia, based on its previous decisions and the recommendations of the Nairobi Experts Meeting held on 15-16 December 2004, to support the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions, and requested the Commission to submit to it recommendations on the mandate, size, structure, tasks and funding requirements for such a Mission;

3. STRESSES the need for the AU and the larger international community to provide speedy and sustained support to the Transitional Federal Institutions to prevent the unraveling of the tremendous achievements made in the reconciliation process in Somalia as a result of two years of collaborative endeavour by the countries of the region, the AU and the international community at large;

4. REQUESTS the Commission to expedite the preparation of the recommendations requested by the PSC to facilitate the speedy deployment of an AU Peace Support Mission, as part of the efforts to create propitious security conditions and to normalize the situation in order to assist in the effective functioning of the Transitional Federal Institutions, the relocation of which, in Somalia, constitutes an important component of the ongoing efforts to restore lasting peace and stability in that country;

5. WELCOMES the Abuja Communique of the IGAD Heads of State and Government of 31 January 2005 and NOTES WITH APPRECIATION the commitment of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda to provide troops and/or equipment for the deployment of an IGAD Peace Support Mission to provide security support to the TFG of Somalia in order to ensure its relocation to Somalia and guarantee the sustenance of the outcome of the IGAD peace process. REQUESTS the PSC to mandate IGAD to deploy such Peace Support Mission (PSM) pending the deployment of the envisaged AU PSM and REQUESTS FURTHER the Commission to provide support and assistance.

6. CALLS for the convening, as soon as possible, of an International Pledging Conference for the post-conflict reconstruction of Somalia within the context of the already established mechanism. In this respect, the Assembly REQUESTS the Commission to take all measures required to contribute to the mobilization of the international community in support of peace-building efforts in Somalia;

7. CALLS UPON AU Member States, particularly the IGAD Member States, to continue to do their utmost to consolidate the process of normalization and stabilization in Somalia.

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