(NEW YORK, 31 MAY - 2 JUNE 2006)
The Assembly:
TAKES NOTE of the Report;
RECALLS the 2001 Abuja Declaration and Plan of Action on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases which was Africa’s Common Position to the 2001 UN General Assembly Special Session on AIDS;
ALSO RECALLS the January 2006 Khartoum Decision (EX.CL/Dec.241(VIII), requesting for the preparation of Africa’s Common Position to UNGASS on AIDS aimed at reviewing the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on AIDS;
WELCOMES the Common Position which was Africa’s contribution to the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS, and the related Brazzaville Commitment on Scaling Up Towards Universal Access to HIV and AIDS prevention, Treatment, Care and Support in Africa by 2010;
ALSO AWARE of the complementary role played by partnerships with stakeholders at various levels, including people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; and ACKNOWLEDGES the need for appropriate coordination of partnership and harmonization of Programmes;
NOTES WITH CONCERN the funding gap for scaling up towards universal access to comprehensive and sustained services to fight HIV/AIDS;
COMMITTED to the achievement of sustainable access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support, through an integrated and multi-sectoral approach;
RECOGNIZES the important role of Civil Society Organizations and Development Partners in the fight against HIV/AIDS;
REAFFIRMS the 2001 Abuja Declaration and Plan of Action on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases, as well as subsequent commitments;
REITERATES its commitment to the global and African call for universal access to comprehensive services for HIV/AIDS control;
UNDERTAKES to support the implementation of the commitment in Africa’s Common Position and achieve the set targets by 2010 in close partnership with stakeholders at national, regional and international levels;
CALLS UPON Member States to effectively implement the commitments in the Common Position through an integrated and multisectoral approach, aimed at attaining the targets specified in the Common Position;
ALSO CALLS UPON Development Partners, through a well- coordinated and harmonized approach, to honour their mandates and/or pledges and make available the needed technical, material and financial support;
REQUESTS the Commission, in collaboration with the Pan-African Parliament, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Development Partners, to coordinate and follow-up on the implementation of the Common Position and report annually to the Assembly;
ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to launch in collaboration with the AU Conference of Ministers of Health a renewed campaign on the eradication of Malaria and to mobilize the necessary support and resource in that regard.