Decision on the Activities of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on the Peace and Security Situation in Africa Doc.assembly/AU/4 (VII)

Decision on the Activities of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on the Peace and Security Situation in Africa Doc.assembly/AU/4 (VII)


The Assembly:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report on the Activities of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the AU and the peace and security situation in Africa and welcomes the crucial role played by the PSC in conflict prevention and resolution and the increased credibility acquired by this body in the accomplishment of the mandate entrusted to it;

  2. COMMENDS the progress achieved in the promotion of peace and security in the Continent since the Khartoum Summit in January 2006. In this regard, the Executive Council EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the deepening of the reconciliation process in the Comoros, with the holding of the April-May 2006 presidential elections, significant progress accomplished in the DRC, with the holding of the next general elections which will mark the end of the transition period, and the positive development registered in Mauritania with the holding of the Constitutional Referendum of 25 June 2006. Council FURTHER EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the positive development in Burundi, with the signing on 18 June 2006 of the Dar-es-Salaam Principles of Agreement with a view to achieving lasting peace, security, and stability in Burundi, and the Sudan, with the signing on 5 May 2006 in Abuja of the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) and the progress made in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in South Sudan as well as progress made in Cote d’Ivoire in spite of the delay in the implementation of the Roadmap adopted by the Ivorian Government in February 2006;

  3. URGES the parties concerned in other conflict situations to demonstrate a spirit of necessary compromise and to cooperate with efforts made to facilitate the search for negotiated and lasting solutions.

  4. REQUESTS the Peace and Security Council to continue efforts with particular emphasis on conflict prevention, by examining potential crisis situation before they degenerate into conflict, and the implementation of peace building programs in countries emerging from conflict on the basis of the Framework Document on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development endorsed by the Executive Council;

ALSO REQUESTS the Peace and Security Council to particularly ensure completion of the implementation of the Continental Peace and Security Framework, in particular, the establishment and the effective functioning of the Panel of the Wise as well as the establishment of the Continental Early-Warning System and the African Defense Force with a view to giving the Continent the required structure and means to meet the challenge of peace and security in Africa.

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