Decision on Somalia


The Assembly:

  1. RECALLS its previous decisions and declarations concerning the situation in Somalia, particularly its decision adopted in Abuja, Nigeria, on 31 January 2005, and its declaration adopted in Banjul, the Gambia, on 2 July 2006;

  2. RECALLS ALSO all the relevant decisions of the Peace and Security Council on Somalia and Resolution 1725 (2006) of the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted on 6 December 2006;

  3. TAKES NOTE of the communique issued by the International Contact Group on Somalia which met in Nairobi, Kenya, on 5 January 2007;

  4. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the recent positive developments in Somalia which have resulted from Ethiopia’s intervention upon the invitation of the legitimate Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, and which has created unprecedented opportunity for lasting peace in the country;

  5. WELCOMES the decision of Ethiopia to withdraw its troops from Somalia, and TAKES NOTE of the fact that Ethiopia has already started withdrawing its troops;

  6. CALLS for an immediate deployment of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in accordance with the decision of the 69th meeting of the Peace and Security Council (PSC), and CALLS ON Member States to contribute troops in order to avoid a security vacuum following the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia;

  7. URGES the international community to provide financial, logistical and technical support for the deployment of AMISOM;

  8. EXPRESSES concern that many of the pledges by the donor Community have not been honoured and CALLS UPON the International Community to disburse the funds without delay and without political preconditions;

  9. ALSO CALLS ON the Member States and the AU Partners to support the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) of Somalia to enable them to establish their authority in the country;

  10. EXPRESSES ITS SUPPORT to the initiative of the TFG for an inclusive inter-Somali dialogue involving all stakeholders including political leaders, clan leaders, religious leaders, and representatives of the women, youth, business community and the civil society which would ensure national reconciliation in Somalia;


  1. APPEALS to the International Community to provide all the necessary support for Post Conflict Reconstruction in Somalia, and URGES the United Nations to lead this endeavour which is critical for sustainable peace in the country.

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