Decision on the Report of the Peace and Security Council on its Activities and the Situation of Peace and Security in Africa - Doc. assembly/AU/3(XIV)

Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XVI)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Peace and Security Council on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa;

  2. RECALLS the Tripoli Declaration on the Elimination of Conflict and the Promotion of Sustainable Peace in Africa [SP/ASSEMBLY/PS/DECL (1)] and the Plan of Action [SP/ASSEMBLY/PS/MAP], adopted at its Special Session held in Tripoli, Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on 31 August 2009;

  3. WELCOMES efforts by the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), with the support of the international community, for the effective establishment of the continental Peace and Security Architecture, as well as for the prevention and resolution of conflicts and the consolidation of peace. The Assembly NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the progress made in this regard and URGES all stakeholders to persevere in their efforts and work towards the effective implementation of the Tripoli Plan of Action;

  4. EXPRESSES CONCERN over the impasse in the implementation of the Maputo Agreement of 8 and 9 August 2009, and the additional Act of Addis Ababa of 6 November 2009, for the return to constitutional order in Madagascar. The Assembly NOTES the crisis-exit proposals presented to the Malagasy Parties by the Chairperson of the Commission on 20 and 21 January 2010 in Antananarivo. The Assembly ALSO URGES the AU and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to continue to work together with relevant continental, regional and international institutions in assisting the negotiation process in Madagascar;

  5. REITERATES the importance of SADC in continuing to lead the mediation process in the country, given its regional responsibilities and comparative advantages, as well as the role of H.E. Joaquin Chissano, former President of Mozambique, as facilitator. REQUESTS the Peace and Security Council (PSC) to meet at the appropriate time to review the situation and take steps required, on the basis of the relevant AU instruments;

  6. WELCOMES the continuing efforts to consolidate the national reconciliation process in The Comoros and the promotion of stability, including the holding of elections to the National Assembly and to the Councils of the three autonomous islands on 6 and 20 December 2009, and ENCOURAGES the Comorian parties, particularly the Union authorities, to pursue a consensual approach in the implementation of institutional reforms introduced by the new Constitution adopted by referendum on May 17 2009, in order to preserve the achievements made;

  7. REAFFIRMS the AU’s full support to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and its efforts towards the implementation of the Djibouti Peace Process; REITERATES ITS STRONG CONDEMNATION of the continued attacks and other terrorist acts being perpetrated against the TFG, the Somali people and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) by the armed groups bent on undermining the peace and reconciliation process, as well as the actions of Al Shabaab to deny the needy population access to humanitarian aid and services;

  8. WELCOMES the adoption, by the United Nations (UN) Security Council on 23 December 2009, of resolution 1907(2009), which imposes sanctions on Eritrea, namely an arms embargo, travel restrictions and a freeze on the assets of political and military leaders for, among other things, providing political, financial, and logistical support to armed groups engaged in undermining peace and reconciliation in Somalia and regional stability;

  9. STRESSES the need to pursue vigorously the effective implementation of Resolution 1907 (2009); CALLS UPON the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee to urgently designate the relevant Eritrean military and political leaders and other persons and entities as required, to allow for an effective sanctions regime to be implemented, and URGES the Security Council to speedily act on its earlier request for the imposition of a no-fly zone and the blockade of sea ports to prevent the entry into Somalia of foreign elements and the supply of logistical and other support to the insurgency;

  10. REITERATES ITS APPRECIATION to the Troop Contributing (namely, Burundi and Uganda) and Police Contributing Countries to AMISOM, and WELCOMES the pledge by Djibouti to contribute forces to AMISOM, as well as the pledge by Burundi and Uganda to each deploy one additional battalion, and REITERATES ITS CALL to Member States to provide the troops required for AMISOM to reach its authorized strength. The Assembly STRESSES the need for predictable, reliable and timely provision of resources to the AU by all partners, and REITERATES ITS CALL to the Security Council to take the necessary steps for the United Nations to play a role commensurate with the gravity and complexity of the situation on the ground;

  11. EXPRESSES CONCERN at the continued impasse in the peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea and REITERATES the readiness of the AU to assist the two countries to overcome, through dialogue the current stalemate, normalize their relations and lay the foundation for a comprehensive and durable peace between them;

  12. REITERATES its earlier decisions on the relations between Djibouti and Eritrea, and its grave concern at the total absence of progress regarding the implementation by Eritrea of these decisions, as well as of resolution 1862 (2009) and 1907 (2009), and URGES Eritrea to urgently and fully comply with the demands contained therein;

  13. WELCOMES the remarkable progress in the peace process in Burundi, and URGES all Burundian parties to continue their efforts, including working to create conditions conducive to the organization and holding of general elections between May and September 2010. The Assembly ALSO WELCOMES the improved security situation in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the continuing efforts to consolidate peace in the country and to strengthen relations between the DRC and Rwanda. The Assembly REITERATES ITS CALL to the international community to provide the support required for post-conflict reconstruction and peace building in Burundi and DRC, and in this respect, WELCOMES the Multidisciplinary Assessment Mission deployed by the AU Commission to these two countries within the framework of monitoring the implementation of relevant decisions of the PSC and the Tripoli Plan of Action;

  14. NOTES that The Sudan will hold national elections in April 2010 and the referendum on self determination for Southern Sudan in January 2011; REITERATES its full support to The Sudan and hails the steps taken thus far to ensure free and fair elections. The Assembly FURTHER NOTES with satisfaction the progress made in the humanitarian and security situation in Darfur and CALLS FOR the intensification of efforts so as to reach a lasting political settlement to allow Darfurians to participate fully in the upcoming elections;

  15. ALSO NOTES the need to intensify current initiatives to assist the people of The Sudan to achieve lasting peace and stability. In this regard, the Assembly URGES Member States, the Commission and international partners to support and cooperate with these initiatives, including the AU Ministerial Committee on Post­Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) in The Sudan.

  16. WELCOMES the report of the AU High Level Panel on Darfur (AUPD), and the recommendations contained therein, which provide a clear and sound Road Map for achieving peace, justice, reconciliation and healing in Darfur, and thereby contribute to the overall objective of promoting sustainable peace and stability in The Sudan, ENDORSES the communique adopted in this respect by the PSC at its 207th meeting held in Abuja, Nigeria, on 29 October 2009, and REITERATES that the ALIPD recommendations shall be the basis of AU engagement in Darfur and its interaction with its international partners. The Assembly EXPRESSES ITS FULL SUPPORT to the AU High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) on Sudan and STRESSES the need for all stakeholders to extend full cooperation to the Panel in the discharge of its mandate. In this context, the Assembly REITERATES the AU’s support to the efforts of the Joint AU/UN Mediation and the facilitation provided by Qatar. The Assembly EXPRESSES its appreciation to all African countries, such as Libya, that are contributing to the search for peace in Darfur, in particular the process of unification of the Darfurian movements;

  17. ALSO WELCOMES the appointment of Professor Ibrahim Gambari as the AU/UN Joint Special Representative and the Head of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID);

  18. FURTHER WELCOMES the progress made towards appeasement and normalization of relations between Chad and The Sudan, through the signing in N’Djamena, on 15 January 2010, of the Agreement on Normalization between Chad and the Sudan, as well as the Additional Protocol on the Securitization of Borders, and ENCOURAGES the two countries to maintain dialogue and implement the commitments made;

  19. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the significant progress made in the implementation of the recommendations of the Inclusive Political Dialogue in the Central African Republic (CAR) and URGES the Central African stakeholders to persevere in their efforts, particularly by providing the necessary cooperation towards the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme (DDR) and working towards the establishment of conditions conducive to the holding of the free, fair and transparent legislation and presidential elections slated for April and May this year. The Assembly APPEALS ONCE AGAIN to the international community to lend the necessary support for the consolidation of peace, including the implementation of the Programme for the Reform of the Security Sector (RSS), and the socio-economic recovery of the CAR;

  20. URGES the Ivorian parties to redouble efforts to successfully complete the peace and reconciliation process in their country, including the holding, within the set timeframe, of legislative and presidential elections which will conclude the process aimed at bringing the crisis to an end;

  21. TAKES NOTE of the ongoing mediation process in Niger and COMMENDS the efforts of General Abdulsalami Abubakar, former Head of State of Nigeria and Mediator on the Inter-Nigerien Dialogue. The Assembly CALLS ON all parties to fully cooperate with the Mediator, in particular during the upcoming meeting scheduled to be held in Niamey, Niger, on 4 February 2010;

  22. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the continued progress being made towards post­conflict reconstruction and peace-building in Liberia, and URGES the international community to continue to provide the necessary support to the ongoing efforts. The Assembly COMMENDS the Government of Liberia for initiating a process to formulate the best strategy for implementing the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC);

  23. REITERATES THE FIRM CONDEMNATION by the African Union of the deliberate massacres and acts of violence perpetrated by elements of the Guinean armed and security forces against unarmed civilians in the Conakry Stadium on 28 September 2009, and STRESSES the need to bring to justice the authors of these massacres and those who ordered them, in conformity with the AU principles on combating impunity. The Assembly WELCOMES the signing in Ouagadougou, on 15 January 2010, of the Joint Ouagadougou Declaration, under the aegis of President Blaise Compaore, in his capacity as Mediator of the Guinean crisis, which marks a significant step in the process for the return to constitutional order and the resolution of the crisis in Guinea, in accordance with the relevant AU and ECOWAS decisions. The Assembly PLEDGES the commitment of the AU to mobilize support required for the implementation of the Ouagadougou Declaration, and EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to President Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso for his efforts towards resolving the crisis;

  24. COMMENDS the work of the International Contact Group (ICG), under the co­chairmanship of ECOWAS and AU, for its ongoing efforts aimed at resolving the crisis in Guinea. In that regard, the Assembly TAKES NOTE of the outcome of the most recent meeting of the ICG, held on 26 January 2010, in particular its invitation to the AU, ECOWAS and all AU partners to review the sanctions imposed on Guinea, in the course of the crisis, in light of recent positive developments in that country;

  25. COMMENDS the return of Mauritania to constitutional order, and the mediation role played by the President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. Abdoulaye Wade, with the support of the international community, through the International Contact Group on Mauritania under the leadership of the AU. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the holding, during the first half of 2010, of a meeting with bilateral and multilateral partners for the purpose of mobilizing financial and economic support for Mauritania, and FURTHER ENCOURAGES the Mauritanian parties to fully implement the Dakar Agreement;

  26. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the progress made in the process for the stabilization of Guinea Bissau since the presidential elections of June-July 2009, and REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission, in close collaboration with ECOWAS, to continue to work towards the implementation of the provisions of the Tripoli Plan of Action on Guinea Bissau, particularly those on the reconstruction and reform of the security sector, through the deployment of a joint AU-ECOWAS Stabilization Mission. The Assembly URGES the bilateral and multilateral partners to participate in the Donors Roundtable for Guinea Bissau, scheduled to be held during the first half of 2010, and APPEALS to the international community to provide the necessary assistance to the country in the fight against drug trafficking;

  27. WELCOMES the entry into force, on 15 July 2009, of the African Nuclear-Weapon- Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba), and LOOKS FORWARD to the Conference of the States’ Parties to the Treaty, scheduled to take place in Addis Ababa, in April 2010, to establish the African Commission on Nuclear Energy. The Assembly ALSO WELCOMES the entry into force, in December 2009, of the Non­Aggression and Common Defence Pact, and ENCOURAGES the Commission to take all steps required for the implementation of the Pact. The Assembly NOTES that these two instruments enrich the AU normative framework for the structural prevention of conflicts;

  28. REQUESTS the Peace and Security Council, in close collaboration with the Chairperson of the Commission, to spare no effort, within the framework of the Year of Peace and Security, to significantly advance the different peace processes in the Continent and to take the necessary initiatives for more dynamic action in the area of conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction.

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