Doc. Assembly/AU/13(XVI)
The Assembly,
TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Third Africa-European Union (EU) Summit held in Tripoli, Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 29 and 30 November 2010;
COMMENDS the Great Socialist peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the successful hosting of the Summit;
WELCOMES the Tripoli Declaration and Second Action Plan 2011-2013;
CALLS UPON Member States, the Regional Economic Communities, the private sector, the Pan-African Parliament, civil society and all other stakeholders to actively participate in the implementation process;
REQUESTS the African Union Commission and Member States in collaboration with the European Commission to engage in further discussions with a view to establishing an African Integration Facility;
ALSO REQUESTS Member States to make avail qualified experts to participate in the work of the Joint Experts Groups (JEGs).
DECIDES as follows:
The Follow-up Committee be maintained. However, a system of rotation should be introduced within its members and the Chefs de file, giving a chance to all Member States to participate directly;
Five (5) countries (one per region), the country chairing the African Union and the Commission shall represent the African side at Experts and Senior Officials levels, and the AU shall be represented by the country chairing the Union and the Commissioners for Economic Affairs and Peace and Security at ministerial Troika/political dialogue meetings.