Decision on the Global African Diaspora Summit Consultative Process – Doc. assembly/AU/15(XVI) Add.5

Doc. Assembly/AU/15(XVI)Add.5

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Assembly Decision 319(XV) and of the Report on the Diaspora Initiative and the Global African Diaspora Summit;

  2. APPROVES the Roadmap and its elements as contained in the Report;

  3. REQUESTS the Government of South Africa and the Commission to continue their close collaboration in order to implement the roadmap and to facilitate the successful preparation and conduct of the Global African Diaspora Summit;

  4. WELCOMES the decision of the Commission, in consultation with the Republic of South Africa, as a first step, to undertake to convene the African Diaspora Technical Committee Meeting which will be hosted by South Africa in February 2011;

  5. REITERATES ITS REQUEST for the Commission to continue to work together with Member States to ensure the successful preparation and conduct of the Diaspora Summit and the advancement of the Diaspora initiative in general;

  6. REQUESTS the PRC and the Commission to supports efforts aimed at the successful outcome of the programme leading to the African Global Diaspora Summit;

  7. FURTHER REQUESTS Member States, leaders of the Caribbean Community, South America, and the African Diaspora population worldwide to continue to support the implementation of the Roadmap and processes leading up to the Global African Diaspora Summit;

  8. DECIDES that the African Diaspora process remains a standing Agenda for the Summit meeting to enable the Commission and the Republic of South Africa to report on progress towards the hosting of the global African Diaspora Summit and beyond.

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