Decision on Alternative Sources of Financing the African Union– Doc. EX./CL/656(XIX)

Decision on Alternative Sources of Financing the African Union– Doc. EX./CL/656(XIX)

Doc. EX.CL/656(XIX)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the recommendations of the Executive Council on alternative sources of financing the African Union (AU);

  2. RECALLS the various decisions taken by the Executive Council and the Assembly on Alternative Sources of Financing the AU , including the 2001 Lusaka Summit Decision AHG/Dec. 1 (XXXVII, the June 2006 Banjul Decision EX.CL/Dec.285 (IX), and the July 2007 Accra Declaration Assembly/AU/Decl.2 (IX) which highlighted the need to identify additional sources of financing the activities of the AU ;

  3. NOTES WITH CONCERN the dire financial situation of the AU caused by delays in Member States honouring their assessed contributions and complexities of accessing partner funds;

  4. EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the growing reliance on partner funds to finance the continental integration and development agenda;

  5. REITERATES the imperative need for Member States to provide the AU with predictable, reliable and sustainable resources to enable it fulfil its mandate;

  6. REQUESTS the Commission to actively pursue the effective implementation of the various decisions of the Assembly on alternative sources of financing the AU;

  7. TAKES NOTE of progress in the setting up of a High Level Panel of Eminent Personalities (the Panel) with a view to engaging with Member States and coming up with definitive proposals to this long outstanding issue as per the January 2011 Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.643(XVIII);

  8. REQUESTS the Commission to expedite the process of setting up the Panel and take all necessary measures to facilitate its work;

  9. APPEALS to all Member States and the Regional Economic Communities to provide all the necessary support to the Panel to ensure a successful outcome of the consultations;

  10. REQUESTS the Panel to undertake the consultations in a timely manner and report to the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly trough the Executive Council, in January 2012.

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