
CM/Dec.354 (LXVI)

BURUNDI (DOC.CM/2004 (LXVI)) - A *


  1. WELCOMES the recent cision by the countries of the Region that imposed sanctions against Burundi, to relax the sanctions, as well as the declared readiness of the leaders of the Region to suspend all sanctions, with the exception of the arms embargo, once the negotiations have been initiated;

  2. EXTENDS FULL SUPPORT for the decisions of the countries of the Region and the Aru Initiative;

  3. URGES the Government of Burundi and those in opposition to it, to commit themselves t peaceful resolution of the conflict and pursue negotiations more vigorously and EXPRESSES FULL CONFIDENCES in the sincerity and impartiality of the Facilitator of the Peace Process;

  4. EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the continued state of insecurity and killings in s parts of Burundi and CALLS ON the Government of Burundi and all the concerned factions for an immediate end to the unnecessary and ceaseless violence;

  5. CALLS UPON the Government of Burundi, to disband the regroupment camps and t urgent necessary steps to create the necessary environment for security and national reconciliation to take place;

  6. APPEALS to the international community to extend humanitarian and other assistance to Burundi to ameliorate the adverse effects of the conflict on the people of Burundi;

  7. REQUESTS the Secret -General and the Central Organ, to consider what role the OAU should play in the future, to guarantee and consolidate any Agreements that will be reached through the negotiations process.

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