Report of the Secretary-General on the Situation in the Middle East

CM/Dec.360 (LXVI)



  1. RECALLS all the relevant resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and Council of Ministers on the Situation in the Middle East;

  2. REAFFIRMS that the Question of Palestine is the core of the struggle in the Middle East and that there can be no just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East unless Israel withdraws from all occupied Palestinian and Arab lands, including East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon and unless the Palestinian people are allowed to exercise their inalienable national rights in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, especially Resolutions 242, 338, 465, 478 and 425, based on the principle of Land for Peace;

  3. CALLS for the initiation of all possible measures to ensure Israel's adherence to the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference and the principle of land for peace and its full implementation of all the agreements and commitments entered into by the parties on all tracks during the peace talks;

  1. URGES the United Nations General Assembly and the international community to ensure complete Israeli compliance with UN and International Atomic Energy Agency resolutions an the use of nuclear installations only for peaceful purposes, to force Israel to allow international inspection of its nuclear installations and to draw the attention of the Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency to the actual and potential threat posed by radiation leakage from the Daimuma reactors in the absence of international inspection;

  2. REAFFIRMS ITS SUPPORT for the proposal of H.E. President Hasni Mubarak to declare the Middle East a region free of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction;

  3. URGES all States of the region that have not yet signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, to desist from manufacturing, producing, testing or possessing nuclear weapons; to sign the treaty, and to place their nuclear installations under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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