Report of the Secretary-General on the Situation in Sierra Leone



  1. TAKES NOTE of the Secretary-General's report on the situation in Sierra Leone;

  1. WELCOMES the reinstatement of President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah to Sierra Leone, following the successful ousting of the illegal military regime by ECOMOG;

  2. APPEALS to all Member States of the OAU in particular, and to International Community at large, to render immediate and generous humanitarian assistance to the people of Sierra Leone;

  3. FURTHER APPEALS to all Member States of the OAU in particular, and the International Community at large, to give the Government of Sierra Leone all possible assistance in its efforts to rehabilitate and reconstruct the country;

  4. URGES the United Nations and the International Community to make a determined effort to provide assistance to meet the logistical and technical requirements of ECOMOG, in order to enable its deployment throughout Sierra Leone;

  5. FURTHER URGES, that the United Nations and the International Community buttress the efforts of the Government of Sierra Leone and ECOWAS in disarmament and demobilization process and in assuming general security in the country, and APPEALS to Member States of ECOWAS, and indeed members of the international community who have promised to contribute troops and materials for this process to redeem their pledges;

  6. EXPRESSES DISMAY at and CONDEMNS the atrocities being committed by forces of the overthrown military regime and the RUF and called upon them to cease these activities forthwith, to enable the process of national re- integration to continue;

  7. ENCOURAGES the people of Sierra Leone to continue to pursue a process of national reconciliation between the different sectors of the community.

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