CM/Dec.546 (LXXII) Rev.1
TAKES NOTE of the Report;
APPROVES the recommendation contained in paragraph 16 A and paragraph 17 of the Report;
DECIDES to endorse the following candidatures:
Ambassador Ahmed T. Khalil from Egypt for membership of the United Nations Human Rights Committee for the period 2001 – 2004 at the elections which will be held in September 2000, in New York;
Arab Republic of Egypt to the membership of the Council of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the floating seat allocated to the African Group for the period 2000-2002 during the elections due to be held in September, 2000, in Vienna;
Professor Maurice Glele Ahanhanzo, from Benin, for membership of the United Nations Human Rights Committee for the period 2001 – 2004 at the election which will be held in September 2000, in New York;
Ambassador Maxim-Leopold Zollner de Medeiros, from Benin, for the post of Director General of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, during the election which will be held during the Fifty-fifth Session of the General Assembly in New York;
Republic of South Africa as member of the ECOSOC for the period beginning January 2001;
Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, from Mauritius for re-election to the United Nations Human Rights Committee for the period 2001 – 2004 during the elections to be held in New York, in September 2000;
Republic of the Sudan for one of the non-Permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council for the period 2001 – 2002 in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee on Candidatures and of the African Group in New York;
Mr. V. Poonoosamy from Mauritius for the post of President of the Council of International Civil Aviation Organization during the elections to be held in 2001.
The Council of Ministers,
Considering the Charter of the Organization of African Unity,
Considering Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community, and
Having examined the reports of the Secretary-General on implementation of this Treaty, as well as the decision and regulations adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the Council of Ministers of the OAU held in Algiers, Algeria in July, 1999,
Implementation of the Decision and Regulations of AEC
Member States are requested to:
implement the decisions of AEC and ensure that their national legislations reflect and take due account of the decisions of AEC;
assign to specific Ministers the task of continental integration with a view to coordinating and harmonizing policies and programmes in this sector; and
ensure that the programmes and activities of the RECs to which they belong are consistent with the objectives of the Abuja Treaty.
Member States are commended for the efforts and progress made by the Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA) as well as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the area of trade liberalization especially in meeting the target dates for establishment of free trade areas and monetary zones.
Cooperation between the AEC and the RECs
The RECs which have not yet done so are requested to review their constituent text in the light of the Abuja Treaty;
The RECs are also requested to:
place their programmes and activities within the framework of continental integration; and
invite the AEC to their meetings.
The AEC and RECs should harmonize and coordinate their programmes, and designate a focal point for each sector of activity;
The AEC and the RECs, as well as the ADB and ECA should also intensify and pool their efforts for the mobilization of extra-budgetary resources to support integration programmes;
The General Secretariat should take necessary measures to speed up implementation of the programme for harmonization of the REC protocols and to popularize the Abuja Treaty and the constituent texts of the RECs;
A mechanism should be established for the Chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the RECs to meet regularly, preceded by the meeting of the Committee of Secretariat Officials, with a view to promoting programme coordination among the RECs.
Cooperation among the RECs
The RECs are requested to:
invite one another to their meetings; and
exchange their programmes and expertise, with the assistance of the AEC General Secretariat.
Free Movement of Persons
Each Member State is requested to exempt from visa requirements officials of the OAU/AEC General Secretariat and of the Regional Economic Communities on mission and holding the travel documents of these institutions, and to submit a report on this matter to the Fourth Session of the Economic and Social Commission (ECOSOC) of the African Economic Community (AEC) in conformity with point 5 of Decision AHG/OAU/AEC/Dec.1 (II) adopted in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, by the Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the AEC.
Cooperation in the Area of Energy
The General Secretariat should take appropriate steps to organise a meeting of Ministers responsible for Energy in order to adopt the statutes of the African Energy Commission and the requisite instruments for the early establishment of the Commission.
International Negotiations and Initiatives
The Fourth Regular Session of the AEC/ECOSOC is called upon to undertake an assessment of the major international negotiations with a view to facilitating effective implementation of the conclusions and agreements concluded;
Note is taken of the arrangement toward convening the China-Africa Forum in Beijing in October 2000; and the General Secretariat should liaise with all Member States and RECs with a view to organising a preparatory meeting in Beijing for the formulation of a draft joint declaration and programme of action.
Participation of Member States in Meetings
Member States are urged to ensure the effective participation of their responsible Ministers in the Third Meeting of the AEC Committee of Ministers of Trade, the Fourth Session of AEC/ECOSOC, the Conference of Ministers responsible for Energy and in the preparatory meeting for the Third UN Conference on the LDCs.
Cooperation in the Area of Trade
The Third Meeting of the AEC Specialised Committee of Ministers of Trade, Customs and Immigration scheduled for 11 – 15 September 2000, in Cairo, Egypt, is requested to:
Take a decision on the date and venue of the 8th All-Africa Trade Fair, as well as on other preparatory arrangements so as to facilitate successful organization of the Fair;
Give special consideration to the impact of globalization, the new ACP-EU Partnership Agreement and the US-Africa Trade and Development Act on trade liberalization and regional integration in the continent.
Done in Lome, Togo, 09 July, 2000 Kokou Joseph KOFFIGOH
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Togo Chairman of Council