Decision on the Contributions of Member States


Doc. EX.CL/453 (XIV)

The Executive Council:

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report on the contributions of Member States;

2. APPRECIATES that the following Member States are up to date with the payment of their contributions to the Regular Budget: Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Democratic Arab Saharawi Republic, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, and Zambia and ENCOURAGES other Member States to pay their assessed contributions in full and on time;

3. EXPRESSES CONCERN at the late payment of contributions by some Member States;

4. URGES Member States in arrears of their contributions to urgently pay up their arrears;

5. DECIDES that the temporary exemptions granted to Burundi and Sierra Leone from sanctions be maintained so long as they honour their agreed payment schedule and URGES these Member States to continue to comply with the agreed rescheduling plan;

6. DECIDES to maintain the sanctions on the following Member States:

i) Cape Verde

ii) Democratic Republic of Congo

iii) Eritrea

iv) Sao Tome & Principe

v) Seychelles

7. CONSIDERS FAVOURABLY the request by Seychelles to reschedule its arrears and REQUESTS the Commission to convey this position to the Government of Seychelles;

8. TAKES NOTE of the statement by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and does not accept the proposal of DRC to offer buildings to cover its arrears;

9. DECIDES on the non-exemption from exceptional measures for post-conflict countries until conclusion by the Commission of the study on the matter and appropriate recommendations thereon considered and adopted;

10. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to explore the possibility of opening a dialogue with the five (5) countries under sanctions in order to convince them to pay up their arrears and be up-to-date in respect of their status as members of the African Union.

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