Decision on the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)

Doc. EX.CL/483(XIV)

The Executive Council:

1. TAKES NOTE of the Activity Report of the Commission on the Launch of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC);

2. COMMENDS the efforts of the Chairperson of the African Union, H.E. Mr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Commission in ensuring an early and successful launch of ECOSOCC in Dar- es-Salam, Tanzania, in September 2008 ;

3. TAKES NOTE of the subsequent meeting of the Permanent Assembly of ECOSOCC in Abuja, Nigeria, from 16 to 19 December 2008 and the ongoing efforts since its inception aimed at elaborating its rules of procedure, strategic plan and work programme for conducting the remaining elections and for providing an appropriate framework for institution building and a platform for effective contribution to the work of the African Union;

4. REQUESTS the Commission to take appropriate measures to support this process and to ensure the operationalisation of ECOSOCC;

5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission, in collaboration with the Bureau of ECOSOCC and its General Assembly, to take the necessary measures to facilitate the completion of the process of election in Member States where such elections have not yet taken place;

6. APPEALS to all Member States to provide adequate support and resources for the effective operationalization of ECOSOCC.

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