Doc. EX.CL/860(XXV)
The Executive Council,
1. TAKES NOTE of the Activity Report of the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption and ENDORSES the recommendations contained therein;
2. COMMENDS the Advisory Board on Corruption for the work accomplished and ENCOURAGES it to continue its efforts;
3. EXPRESSES its grave concern on the alleged misappropriation of resources allocated to the Board and REQUESTS the AUC and its Audit Services Directorate to submit, as soon as possible, a comprehensive report on the investigation being undertaken and measures to be put in place to redress this situation, at the January 2015 Summit;
4. CALLS UPON the AU Commission and the AU Advisory Board to enhance their cooperation to remedy the situation through an appropriate mechanism;
5. ALSO CALLS UPON the Commission to provide to the Advisory Board the requisite human and financial resources within the allocated budgetary provisions to enable it fulfils its mandate. In this regard, the AUC should be urged to fill the position of Executive Secretary in an expedient manner;
6. FURTHER CALLS UPON all Member States that have not yet done so, to sign, ratify and implement the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption and report to the Advisory Board on its implementation as provided for under that Convention;
7. STRESSES the need for Member States to provide the necessary support to the Advisory Board, in particular, the requisite resources from the AU Budget and voluntary contributions rather than over dependency on funding from external partners;
8. REQUESTS the Advisory Board to follow up on the implementation of these recommendations and submit a report thereon at the next Summit.