Doc. EX.CL/868(XXVI)
The Executive Council,
i) the Report of the Commission on the development of the African Union Agenda 2063, as well as the Agenda 2063 Framework Document; Agenda 2063 Popular Version; and the Agenda 2063 First Ten Year Implementation Plan;
ii) the presentations of the Report of the Follow-Up Ministerial Committee on Agenda 2063.
2. ONCE AGAIN WELCOMES the consultative nature of the Agenda 2063 Development Process;
3. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Commission for the excellent work accomplished;
4. ALSO EXPRESSES its high appreciation to the Ministerial Follow up Committee for its proactive work towards the smooth implementation of the Bahr Dar Ministerial Retreat conclusions of January 2014;
5. RECALLS its Decision EX.CL/Dec. 832(XXV) taken at the Ordinary Session held in June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, requesting Member States to conduct national consultations on the Agenda 2063 Framework Document and Popular Version, and to provide inputs to the Commission by 31 October 2014;
6. RECOMMENDS the Agenda 2063 Framework Document and Popular Version for ADOPTION by the Assembly;
i) the Commission to intensify measures aimed at popularizing the fifty- year continental agenda;
ii) Member States and the RECs to accelerate the domestication of Agenda 2063 and integrating it into their respective Development Initiatives and Plans;
iii) the Commission to finalize all necessary consultations on the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 with a view to submitting it at the June/July 2015 meetings of the AU Policy Organs.
8. TAKES NOTE of the commendable progress made in the formulation and development of the following Agenda 2063 Flagship projects and promoting reconciliation in Africa:
i) Integrated High Speed Train Network;
ii) Great Inga Dam;
iii) Single African Aviation Market;
iv) Outer Space;
v) The Pan African E-Network;
vi) Creation of an Annual African Consultative Platform;
vii) Establishment of the Virtual University;
viii) Free Movement of Persons and the African Passport;
ix) The Continental Free Trade Area;
x) Silencing the Guns by 2020;
xi) Development of a Commodity Strategy;
xii) Establishment of the Continental financial Institutions, including the African Central Bank by 2030.
9. REQUESTS the Commission to:
i) present detailed road maps for the implementation of each of the flagship projects for consideration by the AU Policy Organs in June 2015;
ii) ensure that the issues and concerns of African Island and Landlocked States are adequately mainstreamed into all continental frameworks for political, social, cultural and economic development, including the addition of a representative of Island States to the Bahr Dar Ministerial Follow-up Committee;
iii) facilitate access to funds required by Island States, including under the Agenda 2063 Resource Mobilization Strategy, as well as Climate funds by 2020.
10. RECOMMENDS to the Assembly to authorise the convening of a Ministerial Retreat as proposed by the Commission and the Ministerial Follow-Up Committee in between the two summits to brainstorm on the draft 1st 10 year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 as well as other relevant issues including all flagship projects, and those pertaining to agricultural transformation and eradication of poverty, so as to report at the next Summit in June/July 2015. In the same vein REQUESTS the Commission to pursue consultations with the RECs and other stakeholders so as to gather all contributions from all concerned partners in this process;
11. UNDERSCORES the need to undertake the restructuring of the Commission to enable it to carry out the critical mandate linked with the implementation of Agenda 2063 with requisite human and financial resources and institutional capacity. In this regard, CALLS UPON the Commission to pursue its efforts in ensuring prudent management of its financial resources and on Member States to fulfil their financial obligations to the AU and CALLS ON Partners to release the pledged funds in a timely manner to enable the AU carry out its programmes in a predictable and sustainable manner. In the interim, REQUESTS the Commission to establish a temporary structure to oversee the conclusion of the First Ten-Year Plan, and coordinate finalisation of the identified fast track projects;
12. ALSO CALLS UPON Member States to take necessary measures for the effective implementation of the 1999 Yamoussoukro Decision on the Liberalisation of Air Transport Markets in Africa and adopt its regulatory texts in this respect;
13. UNDERSCORES the need for the continent to fully integrate the Blue Ocean Economy and its great opportunities within the framework of Agenda 2063 through development of requisite expertise;
14. STRESSES, at continental and regional levels, the need to ensure smooth division of labour on the basis of the principles of subsidiarity and complementarity among all stakeholders, particularly the AUC, the RECs and the NPCA in Agenda 2063;
15. TAKES NOTE of the budgetary requirement of the Pan African E-Network amounting to USD 230,000.00 and AUTHORISES the Commission to mobilize resources in this regard;
16. ALSO TAKES NOTE of the offer by the Arab Republic of Egypt to host the proposed African Space Agency after the conclusion of the draft space policy that is being developed by the AU Space Working Group as articulated in AU Agenda 2063.