Supplementary Act AS/2/02/13 Establishing the Regional Food Security Reserve in the ECOWAS Region

Act 2-2 of 2013

Supplementary Act AS/2/02/13 Establishing the Regional Food Security Reserve in the ECOWAS Region

Economic Community of West African States

Supplementary Act AS/2/02/13 Establishing the Regional Food Security Reserve in the ECOWAS Region

Act 2-2 of 2013

The High Contracting PartiesMINDFUL of Articles 7, 8 and 9 of the ECOWAS Treaty as amended establishing the Authority of Heads of States and Government and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Regulation C/REG.21/11/10 harmonising the structural framework and operational regulations relating to food, plant and animal health safety in the ECOWAS region;MINDFUL of Decision A/DEC.11/01/05 adopting an Agricultural Policy for the Economic Community of West African States;MINDFUL of Decision C/DEC.1/5/81 relating to the components, including eradication of hunger, popularisation of some seed varieties and animal species, financing of research programmes and projects in agricultural products, storage and processing of agricultural products;MINDFUL of Decision C/DEC.1/05/83 relating to the short and medium-term Programme for the Implementation of the Regional Agricultural Development Strategy;MINDFUL of Regulation C/REG.1/08/11 establishing the ECOWAS Food and Agriculture Agency;CONSIDERING the strategic role of the agricultural sector in Member States’ economies through the supply of food for the populations and poverty eradication in the rural areas;CONVINCED of the need to promote sustainable, more productive and competitive agriculture in Member States to ensure food security and improve the living standards of the farmers:ACKNOWLEDGING that the climate hazards, locust invasions, economic or structural crises as well as volatility of prices of agricultural products or inputs are factors that seriously undermine the agricultural sector and do not facilitate the realisation of food security, which is one of the objectives of the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy in the event of food crisis;AWARE of the need to put in place protective measures against such hazards and the related structural events that may impede the effective establishment of a food reserve in the ECOWAS region;DESIROUS of establishing the ECOWAS Regional Food Security Reserve with a view to mitigating, within acceptable levels, the effects relating to the ECOWAS Region’s food security;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the meeting of the ECOWAS Ministers of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources held in Abidjan on 27 September 2012;ENACTS:

Article 1 – Establishment

This Supplementary Act hereby establishes the ECOWAS Regional Food Security Reserve.

Article 2 – Governance rules

The rules governing the management, functioning and use of the Regional food security reserve shall be defined in a Regulation of the Council of Ministers.

Article 3 – Financing arrangement

Funds for establishing the Regional Food Security Reserve shall be derived from resources of the Community Levy. The ECOWAS Commission shall also mobilise resources from external partners.

Article 4 – Publication

This Supplementary Act shall be published by the ECOWAS Commission in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature. It shall also be published by each Member State in its National Gazette within the same time frame after notification by the Commission.

Article 5 – Entry into force

1.This Supplementary Act shall enter into force upon publication. Consequently, signatory Member States shall embark on the implementation of its provisions once it enters into force.
2.This Supplementary Act shall be attached as an annex to the ECOWAS Treaty to which it shall be an integral part.

Article 6 – Depository authority

This Supplementary Act shall be deposited at the Commission, which shall transmit certified copies thereof to all Member States and register same with the African Union (AU), the United Nations and such other Organisations as may be decided by the Council.
IN FAITH WHEREOF WE the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States have signed this Supplementary Act.Done at Yamoussoukro this 28th day of February 2013In a single version in, English, French and Portuguese, all languages being equally authentic
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History of this document

28 February 2013 this version