A/SP1/5/79 Supplementary Protocol of Rectification of the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the Concept of Products originating from Member States of ECOWAS

Economic Community of West African States

A/SP1/5/79 Supplementary Protocol of Rectification of the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the Concept of Products originating from Member States of ECOWAS

The High Contracting PartiesCONSIDERING that certain rectification should be made to the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the concept of products originating from Member States of ECOWAS signed at Lome on 5th day of November, 1976;HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:—

Article I – Definition

The last paragraph of Article I of the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the concept of products originating from Member States of ECOWAS and especially defining "Value-added" is rectified below to agree with the English text:"Value-added" means the difference between ex-factory price of the finished product including subsidies if any, less local taxes and duties, and the cif value of the material imported from third countries and used in the production"

Article II – Deposit and entry into force

1.This Supplementary Protocol of rectification shall enter into force upon signature by Heads of States and Government of Member States and definitively upon ratification by at least seven signatory States in accordance with the constitutional procedures applicable for each signatory State.
2This Supplementary Protocol and all instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Executive Secretariat which shall transmit certified true copies of this Supplementary Protocol to all Member States and notify them of the dates of deposits of the instruments of ratification and shall register this Supplementary Protocol with the Organisation of African Unity, the United Nations and such Organisations as the Council shall determine.
3.This Supplementary Protocol shall be annexed to and shall form an integral part of the Treaty.
In faith whereof we the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States have signed this ProtocolDone at Dakar this 29th day of May 1979 in single original in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic
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History of this document

29 May 1979 this version