Economic Community of West African States
A/SP1/5/79 Supplementary Protocol of Rectification of the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the Concept of Products originating from Member States of ECOWAS
- Published in official journal 1 on 1 June 1979
- Commenced
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 29 May 1979 to 31 May 1979.]
Article I – Definition
The last paragraph of Article I of the French text of the Protocol relating to the definition of the concept of products originating from Member States of ECOWAS and especially defining "Value-added" is rectified below to agree with the English text:"Value-added" means the difference between ex-factory price of the finished product including subsidies if any, less local taxes and duties, and the cif value of the material imported from third countries and used in the production"Article II – Deposit and entry into force
History of this document
01 June 1979
29 May 1979 this version