Regulation C/REG.1/8/99 Relating to the Payment of a Monthly Allowance to the Staff of WAWA by ECOWAS

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.1/8/99 Relating to the Payment of a Monthly Allowance to the Staff of WAWA by ECOWAS

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Revised ECOWAS Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Decision A/DEC 3/7/87 of the Authority of Heads of States and Government granting the status of a specialised institution of ECOWAS to the West African Women’s Association (WAWA);MINDFUL of Decision A/DEC 4/7/87 approving the statute of the West African Women’s Association;CONSIDERING that, at its twenty-first session in Abuja on 30 - 31 October 1998, the Authority of Heads of State and Government decided to increase to UA 25,000 the amount of the grant given to WAWA and also, to include the monthly allowances of WAWA staff in the budget of the Executive Secretariat;RECOGNISING the paramount role of women in the socio-economic development of the sub-region;DESIRING to support the West African Women's Association in its efforts to increase the involvement of women in the sub-region in the Community’s activities by improving their working conditions;RECALLING that provision was made in the Executive Secretariat budget for a grant of UA10,000, and that the said sum had been paid to WAWA;NOTING that the directives referred to above were issued after the adoption of Regulation C/REG. 3/10/98 approving the 1999 budget of the Executive Secretariat and that, consequently, the financial implications of the increase in the grant paid to WAWA and the payment of its staff allowances were not reflected in the budget;ANXIOUS to comply with the directives of the twenty-first session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the twenty-third session of the Administration and Finance Commission held in Abuja from 12th to 15th August, 1999ENACTS

Article 1

With effect from January 1st, 1999, the monthly allowances of the staff of the West African Women’s Association (WAWA) shall be paid from the budget of the Executive Secretariat.The Executive Secretariat shall pay to each of the WAWA staff the following monthly allowance:
1.Secretary-General: US$ 1,000 (One thousand United States dollars);
2.Two (2) other Assistants: US$ 750 (Seven hundred and fifty United States dollars).

Article 2

The allowances of the WAWA staff may, from time to time, be reviewed by Council upon the recommendation of the Administration and Finance Commission.

Article 3

The Executive Secretariat shall pay an additional grant of fifteen thousand units of account (UA 15 000) to WAWA in respect of the 1999 budget year.

Article 4

The allowances and the additional grant to WAWA for the 1999 budget year shall be paid from the Executive Secretariat’s own resources.

Article 5

This Regulation shall be published by the Executive Secretariat in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers.It shall also be published by each Member State in the National Gazette within the same time-frame.
Done at Abuja, this 20th day of August 1999.Abdoul Hamid S.B. Tibjani-Dourodjaye,Chairman, for Council.
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20 August 1999 this version