Regulation C/REG.16/12/00 on the Adoption of Education Grant for Staff of the Institutions of the Community

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.16/12/00 on the Adoption of Education Grant for Staff of the Institutions of the Community

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Revised Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Article 26 of the ECOWAS Staff Regulation adopted by the Forty-fifth Session of the Council of Min­isters held in Lome from 5th to 7th December 1999 amended by Regulation C/REG.4/12/99.CONSIDERING that the professional staff of the ECOWAS Institutions had, by virtue of the Staff Regulations been receiving an education grant of one thousand (1000) United States Dollars;CONSIDERING also that Decision C/DEC 1/11/89 of the Council of Ministers authorised a grant of 100 UA per annum for each dependent child of staff of G and M categories;CONSIDERING also that the rates mentioned above are grossly insufficient and unrealistic considering the fact of inflation, constant increase in school fees and inability of staff members to adequately cope financially;DESIRING to review upwards the education grant in order to ameliorate the financial difficulties of staff and provide children of the Community the highest standard of education;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the Twenty-fifth Meeting of the Administration and Finance Commission held in Bamako from 2nd to 3rd December 2000.ENACTS

Article 1

There shall be a maximum education grant of $2000 (two thousand United States Dollars) and $400 (four hundred United States Dollars) for each dependent child of inter­nationally recruited staff and locally recruited staff respectively.

Article 2

The education grant shall be paid for each dependent child up to a maximum of 4 (four) children. The child must be in full time attendance at a school (kindergarten, secondary school), university or similar educational institution.

Article 3

Reimbursement to staff shall be made upon presentation of receipts of payments for tuition fees and related charges. The phrase, "related charges" in this context, means other expenses related to the child's education, such as books, stationery, uniform, accommodation (boarding) fees.

Article 4

The Executive Secretariat shall present a memorandum to the year 2002 budgetary session of the Administration and Finance Commission for its review of the amount of grant provided in this Regulation.

Article 5

This Regulation shall be published in the Official Journal of the Community by the Executive Secretariat within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of Council. It shall also be publised by each Member State in its National Gazette within the same time-frame.
Done at Bamako, this 12th day of December, 2000Mr. Bacari KoneChairman for the Council
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