Regulation C/REG.1/12/2001 Approving Work Programme of the Executive Secretariat for the 2002 Financial Year

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.1/12/2001 Approving Work Programme of the Executive Secretariat for the 2002 Financial Year

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions:HAVING CONSIDERED the work programme of the Executive Secretariat for the 2002 Financial Year pro­posed by the Twenty-Seventh meeting of the Admin­istration and Finance Commission held in Abuja, from 27th November to 3 December, 2001,ENACTS

Article 1

The work programme attached hereto, is hereby approved and shall be executed by the Executive Sec­retariat during the 2002 Financial Year.

Article 2

This Regulation shall be published in the Official Journal of the Community by the Executive Secre­tariat within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of Council. It shall also be published by each a member State in its National Gazettee within the same time frame.
Done at Dakar, this 17th day of December, 2001Bacari KoneChairman for the Council

Draft work programme

Programme: Institutionalization of a Conference of ECOWAS Ministers of Public Service

1.1The Third Biennial Pan-African Conference of the Ministers of the Civil Service held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 5th - 8th February 2001, had adopted a Charter for the Public Service of Africa. The Charter is aimed not only at reorientating the public service to its primary mission of serving the people and the government of the nation - states, but also at attuning the Public Service to the challennges of globalization. The Charter states the principles and rules of conduct (Notes) for public and state employees and also underscores the political will and moral commitment of African States to improve the services provided to citizens.
1.2In the Windhoek Declaration issued at the end of the conference, African sub-regional organisations were tasked to ensure the application as well as the monitoring of the application of the charter by the governments of their respective sub-regions. This task is to be undertaken in collaboration with the African Centre for Training in Administration for Development (CAFRAD).
1.3The Executive Secretariat therefore considered it expedient to create a common sub-regional public service forum for the implementation of the Charter.
1.4To this end, the Executive Secretariat intends to hold a preliminary three day sensitization workshop or seminar to popularize the Charter and also to fashion out strategies for its continuous implementation.
2.0Objectives of the programme
2.1Overall objectivesThe Creation of a sub-regional platform to promote the application in West Africa of the African Public Service Charter. This is aimed at bringing about a positive attitudinal change in public servants in the ECOWAS sub-region in relation to the Integration policies and programmes of ECOWAS.
2.2Specific objectives
2.2.1The specific objectives will be to take first steps and work out the modalities for the smooth implementation of the provisions of the Charter through the experts and Ministers of Public Service Administration of the ECOWAS sub-region.
3.0JustificationWindhoek Declaration and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
3.1As the agencies charged with the responsibility for the implementation of government policies, the need to structurally involve experts and Ministers of public service in the implemnetation of the charter cannot be over-emphasized. Effective application of the provisions of the charter must of course flow from the national level and interface with objectives adopted at the sub-regional level and thereafter with Regional objectives. Permanent framework for coordination required within the Regional Public Service and under the umbrella of ECOWAS is being envisaged.
4.1The Executive Secretariat envisages the funding of the participation of the experts from outside Nigeria as a way of ensuring an impressive turn out at the workshop. In addition three Resources Persons will be required to deliver papers and also participate in the programme.
4.2Financial resources
Airfares $1,150 x 28 = $32,000 UA 25,132.33
Per Diem $152 x 28 x 4 days = $17,024 UA 13, 370.40
Local Delegates $45 x 2 x 2 rep. perm/s x 4 = $360 UA 282.74
4.2.2Resource persons (CAFRAD, ECA, CFTC) - Creation or establishment of sub-regional dimension to the assignment
Airfares $1,150 x 3 = $3,340 UA 2,623.19
Per Diem $152 x 3 x 4days = $1,824 UA 1,432.54
Honoraria $300 x 3 = $900 UA 700.85
4.2.3Other requirements
Tea Break $38 x 2 = $114 UA 89.53
Hostesses $20 x 2 x 3 UA 94.25
Local Transportation for participants $230 UA 180.64
TOTAL $55,912.00 UA 43,912.47
5.0The Nigerian Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa had been contacted and had undertaken to assist with the local Transportation, accommodation and feeding of the Ministers.
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