Regulation C/REG.13/12/01 on Roads that have assumed greater importance in supporting Intra-Community Trade and Cross-Border Movement

Regulation C/REG.13/12/01 on Roads that have assumed greater importance in supporting Intra-Community Trade and Cross-Border Movement

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.13/12/01 on Roads that have assumed greater importance in supporting Intra-Community Trade and Cross-Border Movement

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Article 32 of the Treaty relating to cooperation in transport, communications and tourism;MINDFUL of Decision A/DEC.20/5/80 of the Au­thority of Heads of State and Government dated 29th May 1980 relating to the Community Trans­port Programme;MINDFUL of Decision C/DEC.8/12/88 of the Council of Ministers on the second phase of ECOWAS road projects relating to interconnecting roads for the open­ing up of the land-locked countries;CONSIDERING Article 3 of Convention A/P2/5/82 regu­lating Inter-State Road Transportation between ECOWAS Member States which states that the list of inter-State road axs is provisional and may be modi­fied by Council of Ministers upon the recommenda­tion of the Transport Commission;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the Transport, Communications and Tourism Commission which met in Cotonou from 25 to 27 July 2001;ENACTS

Article 1

The following roads are hereby approved as part of the Community road axs:

A) Interconnecting roads

In Benin

1.Doume-Tchetti-Savalou-Glazoue-Save-Okeowo107.5 km
2.Frontiere Togo-Aphahoue-Abomey-Ketou-Illara (Nigeria Border)155 km
3.Akpro-Misserete-Adjohoun-Bonou-Kpedekpo98 km
4.Porto Novo-Pobe-Ketou109 km
5.Burkina Faso border-keremou-Bankoara-Kandi-Segbana front Nigeria222 km

In Burkina Faso

1.Bobo-Dedougou-Tougan-Ouahigouya361 km
2.Kantchari-Kodjari-Benin border144 km
3.Pa-Dano-Diebougou-Gaoua-Cote d'Ivoire border231 km

In Cote D’Ivoire

Bouna-Doropo Burkina border90 km

In Ghana

Kumasi-Sunyani-Dormaa Ahenkro-Gonokrom Cote d'Ivoire border209 km

In Guinea

1.Labe-Mali-Kedougou (Senegal)300 km
2.Labe-Tougue-Dinguiraye-Siguiri460 km
3.Siguin-Kignekourou-Niagassola-Mali border155 km

In Mali

1.Diema-Sandara-Kayes-Senegal border350 km
2.Nioro-Sansare110 km
3.Kayes-Sadiola-Kenieba250 km
4.Benena-Burkina border46 km
5.Yelimane-Nioro120 km
6.Bougouni-Manankoro-Cote d'Ivoire border123 km
7.Kita-Sirakorola-Guinea border100 km

In Niger

1.Tsemaoua-Dabnou30 km
2.Zinder-Nagaria-Nigeria border111 km
3.Niamey-Bellayara96 km
4.Niamey-Farie62 km
5.Sabon gari-Gaya-Sabon gari70 km
6.Filingue-Tahoua244 km
7.Niamey-Quallan100 km
8.N'Guigmi-Tchad border117 km
9.Niamey-Namaro-Farie65 km
10.Diffa-Dutsi-Damsak28 km
11.Maine-Soroa-Geidam-Nigeria border57 km
12.Doulsou-Yatakala-Burkina border29 km
13.Ayerou-lnates-Mali border30km

In Nigeria

1.Warri-Benin City-Lokoja-Abuja521 km
2.Abuja-Jos300 km
3.Jebba-Mokwa-Bida-Lapai-Suleja-Abuja333 km
4.Port Harcourt-Onitsha-Enugu-Makurdi-Jos-Bauchi-Maiduguri-Ngala (Lake Chad)1200 km
5.Calabar-Ogoja-Wukari-Jalingo-Numan-Maiduguri-Damsak1350 km

In Liberia

1.Gbamga-Voinjama-Guinea Border213 km
2.Voinjama-Mendikorma-Sierra Leone border68 km
3.Tobli-Zwedru-Harper-Cote d’Ivoire border320 km

In Sierra Leone

1.Kenema-Koinda-Liberia border170 km
2.Lunsar-Sefadu222 km
3.Bo-Yele-Matotoka85 km

In Togo

1.Benin border-Hilla Condji-Keve-Zolo-Ghana border80 km
2.Ghana border-Natchamba-Bassar-Sokode-Tchamba-Kambole-Benin border177 km
3.Dapaong-Ponio40 km
4.Ghana border-Tinjasse Bassar94 km

B) Trans-Coastal roads

In Cote D’Ivoire

Ghana border-Noe Aboisso-Grand Bassam-Abidjan-Grand Lahou-Sassandra-San Pedro-Tabou-Liberia border600 km

In Gambia

1.Senegal border-Amadalai-Barra14 km
2.Kerr Ayub-Farafenni-Soma-Nioroderie 

In Ghana

Akatsi-Dzodze-Togo border31 km

In Togo

Ghana border-Noepe-Hilla Condji-Benin border80 km
The two road axes in Ghana and Togo are by-passes to the original road from Hilla Condji-Aneho-Aflao (Ghana border)

Article 2

The ECOWAS Executive Secretariat shall monitor the application of these roads as Community road axes

Article 3

This Regulation shall be published in the Official Jour­nal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of Council, it shall be published by each Member State in its National Gazette within the same time-frame.
Done at Dakar, this 17th day of December, 2001M. Bacari KoneChairman for Council
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History of this document

17 December 2001 this version