Regulation C/REG.3/12/01 Approving the Audited Financial Statements of the Executive Secretariat for the 1999 and 2000 Financial Years

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.3/12/01 Approving the Audited Financial Statements of the Executive Secretariat for the 1999 and 2000 Financial Years

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Treaty establishing the Council of Minsters and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Article 75 of the Treaty relating to the appointment of External Auditor for the Institutions of the CommunityMINDFUL of the Financial Regulations and Manual of Accounting Procedure of the Institutions of ECOWAS amended by Regulation C/REG 2/12/95.MINDFUL of the Authority Decision A/DEC 6/12/99 dated 10th December 1999 appointing the firm of Coopers Lybrand & Dieye as External Audi­tors of the Community;MINDFUL of Authority Decision C/AHSG/DEC.1/2/2000 confirming the appointment of Coopers Lybrand & Dieye as External Auditors of the Insti­tutions of the Community;CONSIDERING the Contract Agreement between ECOWAS and Coopers Lybrand and Dieye defin­ing the conditions of engagement of the External Auditors dated 26 February 2000;HAVING EXAMINED the report of the firm of Coop­ers Lybrand & Dieye on the Financial Statements of the Executive Secertariat for the 1999 and 2000 Financial Years;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the twenty sev­enth meeting of the Administration and Finance Commission held in Abuja from 27 November to 3 December 2001.ENACTS

Article 1

The Audited Financial Statements of the Executive Secretariat attached hereto for the 1999 and 2000 financial years are hereby approved.

Article 2

This Regulation shall be published in the Official Journal of the Community by the Executive Secre­tariat within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of ministers. It shall also be published by each Member State in its National Gazette within the same time frame.
Done at Dakar, this 17th day of December, 2001Bacari KoneChairman for Council
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