Regulation C/REG.15/01/03 Establishing an Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on the Harmonisation of the Legislative Texts of the Community

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.15/01/03 Establishing an Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on the Harmonisation of the Legislative Texts of the Community

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Article 10, 11 and 12 of the Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions.CONSIDERING that many protocols relating to the institutions of the community, by virtue of their prior existence to the revised ECOWAS Treaty, contain provision in contradiction to the Treaty.NOTHING that the continued existence of this situation may infirm the decisions of the Community and hinder the smooth functioning of the institutions.ANXIOUS to endow the Community with coherent, well-adapted and readily applicable texts, and to this end to up-date existing texts.ENACTS

Article 1

There is hereby established ad hoc Ministerial Committee to harmonise the legislative texts of the Community.

Article 2

1.The Committee shall undertake a critical review of the revised ECOWAS Treaty, Protocols and conventions with a view to endowing the community with modern legal instruments whose implementation shall contribute to the acceleration of the integration process.
2.The Committee shall identify and examine the deficiencies of the texts and formulate proposals for their amendment.
3.The committee shall, in the execution of this task, make such recommendations as shall be liable to remove all legal and institutional obstacles to the realization of the integration objectives of the Community.

Article 3

1.The following Member States shall be members of the Ad hoc Committee:
iRepublic of Cape Verde
iiRepublic of the Gambia
iiiRepublic of Ghana
iv.Republic of Guinea
vRepublic of Mali
viFederal Republic of Nigeria
viiRepublic of Senegal
viiiRepublic of Sierra Leone
2.The Executive Secretariat shall equally be a member of the Committee.

Article 4

The ad hoc Committee shall submit a progress report at the next ordinary session of the Council of Ministers.

Article 5

This regulation shall be published by his Executive Secretariat in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published in the National Gazette of each Member State within the same time-frame.
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