Regulation REG.22/12/06 on the Adoption of a Code of Conduct for Internal Auditors of Community Institutions

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation REG.22/12/06 on the Adoption of a Code of Conduct for Internal Auditors of Community Institutions

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11, and 12 of the ECOWAS Treaty as amended in June 2006 establishing the Council of Ministers and defining their composition and functions;RECOGNISING the need to promote a culture of ethical conduct among internal auditors in Community Institutions;HAVING NOTED that internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes;DESIRING therefore to adopt a code of conduct for internal Auditors that would enable them discharge the function of internal auditing which will in turn add value and improve the operations of Community Institutions;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the Third meeting of the Audit Committee which held in Abuja 23 - 25 February 2006.ENACTS

Article 1

A Code of conduct applicable to all internal Auditors working in Institutions of ECOWAS is hereby adopted as attached.

Article 2

The Code defines and prescribes conduct expected of the internal auditors as well as fundamental principles governing the professional practice of internal auditing.

Article 3

1.Any contravention of the Code of Conduct shall be reported to the Audit Committee which shall make appropriate recommendations to the Council of Ministers.
2.Appropriate disciplinary measures may be imposed in accordance with existing Community Regulations.

Article 4

This Regulation shall be published in the Official Journal of the Community by the Commission within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published within the same time frame in the National Gazette of each Member State.
Done at Ouagadougou, this 19th day of December, 2006Hon. Aïchatou Mindaoudou,Chairperson, for the Council.
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