Regulation C/REG.2/06/06 Approving the Organisational Structure of the Community Court of Justice and Staff Recruitment Plan

Regulation C/REG.2/06/06 Approving the Organisational Structure of the Community Court of Justice and Staff Recruitment Plan

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.2/06/06 Approving the Organisational Structure of the Community Court of Justice and Staff Recruitment Plan

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the ECOWAS Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Protocol A/P.1/7/91 relating to the Community Court of Justice;MINDFUL of the Supplementary Protocol amending the Protocol relating to the Community Court of Justice signed at Accra on 19 January, 2005;MINDFUL of the directives contained in the final reports of the fifty-third and fifty-fifth sessions of the Council of Ministers on the restructuring of the Community Court of Justice;RECALLING that the aforementioned directives provided, among other things, that the Court should have an organizational chart that would enable it to perform its functions effectively;DESIROUS to provide the Community Court of Justice with a functional structure as well as human resources adapted to its needs and to adopt measures that would enhance its efficient functioning;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the Extraordinary meeting of the Administration and Finance Commission held at Abuja from 20th - 22nd March, 2006.ENACTS

Article 1

The attached organisational chart of the Community Court of Justice and staff recruitment plan are hereby approved.

Article 2

1.The President shall be the Head of the Community Court of Justice.
2.In addition to his/her other responsibilities, the President shall represent the Court in its relations with other ECOWAS institutions and with third parties.

Article 3

1.A Bureau shall be set up within the Community Court of Justice.
2.The Bureau shall be made up of three (3) Members of the Court namely: the President, the Vice-President and the oldest and longest serving Judge of the Court. The President shall be Chairman of the Bureau.
3.The Bureau shall be responsible for the strategic orientation of the Court and for supervising its management and administration.
4.It shall examine the draft work programme and provide policy guidelines for the annual budget to be presented to the Council of Ministers through the Administration and Finance Commission.
5.The Bureau shall define the procedures relating to the internal organisation of the Court In accordance with Community texts.
6.The Bureau shall have responsibility over the management of the budget of the Court and designate this authority to the Director of Administration and Finance, in line with the Financial Regulations of the Community.

Article 4

1.The Chief Registrar and the Deputy shall be professional staff and career officers of the Court, in order to ensure continuity within the Institution and to serve as institutional memory. The Chief Registrar shall have the rank of Director D2 while the Deputy shall have the rank of Director D1.
2.He/she supervises, monitors and coordinates the activities of the Court registry and provides services for the efficient discharge of the judicial functions of the Members of the Court.
3.He is responsible for the acceptance, transmission and custody of documents and supervises the preparation of minutes and records of the Court and is also present at all Court sittings.
4.The Chief Registrar shall supervise the departments and divisions placed under his/her responsibility.
5.He/she shall be directly responsible to the President of the Court.

Article 5

1.The Director of Administration and Finance shall manage the day-to-day running of the administrative Secretariat of the Court and shall be the channel of communication between the Departments and the President on administrative matters.
2.He/she shall be responsible for all procedure for the recruitment of professional and locally recruited staff in accordance with the relevant ECOWAS Staff Regulations and shall chair the Advisory Committees in charge of recruitment of all categories of staff, except the Committee for the appointments of Directors, P6 and P5 team leader positions.
3.The Director of Administration and Finance shall prepare the annual draft budget of the Court, based on the general guidelines provided by the Bureau as well as the work programme of the Court.
4.He/she shall be the accounting officer of the Court and shall submit quarterly financial statements to the Bureau through the President.

Article 6

All existing legal and procedural texts of the Court shall be harmonised with the provisions of this Regulation.

Article 7

This Regulation shall be published by the Executive Secretariat in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published by each Member State, in its Official Journal, within the same time frame.
Done at Abuja, this 13th day of June 2006.Hon. Aïchatou MindaoudouChairman for Council
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13 June 2006 this version