Regulation C/REG.2/06/07 Adopting Revised Rates of Daily Subsistence Allowance (Per Diem) Payable to Ministers, Parliamentarians, Staff of ECOWAS Institutions, and Experts of Technical Committees, During Official Missions Undertaken on Behalf of the Community

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.2/06/07 Adopting Revised Rates of Daily Subsistence Allowance (Per Diem) Payable to Ministers, Parliamentarians, Staff of ECOWAS Institutions, and Experts of Technical Committees, During Official Missions Undertaken on Behalf of the Community

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the ECOWAS Treaty as amended establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of Decision C/DEC.6/7/91 adopting per diem rates applicable in the Institutions of the Community;MINDFUL of Regulation C/REG.15/01/05 relating to the revision of the rates of daily subsistence allowance (per diem) for staff of ECOWAS Institutions and for other representatives on official mission on behalf of the Community,CONSIDERING that the current per diem rates are inadequate due to inflation and exchange rate fluctuations,AWARE of the need to grant staff of ECOWAS Institutions and personalities on missions for the Community, allowances that enable them to effectively meet their essential needs during such missions;AWARE that as a result of efforts made towards the organisation and preparation of ECOWAS meetings that are held in their country, the Ministers and experts concerned incur substantial financial expenses;ON THE RECOMMENDATION of the first meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee, held in Abuja from 21 to 25 May 2007.ENACTS

Article 1

The rates of daily subsistence allowance applicable to staff of ECOWAS Institutions and to other representatives on official mission for the Institutions of the Community are revised as follows:
Revised rates of daily subsistence allowance
Beneficiaries zonesWest Africa Latin America (US$)Other parts of Africa and Middle East (US$)Japan South Korea Asia (US$)Europe North America (US$)
Ministers, Parliamentarians Head of Institutions (including organising countries)374410701593
Other Statutory Appointees340380650561
Directors Experts at Technical Committees (including organising countries)314351601508
Professional Staff Consultants262293500423
G Category Staff223249425360
M Category Staff146205360306

Article 2

This Regulation shall be published by the Commission in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published within the same time frame in the Official Gazette of each Member State.
Done at Ouagadougou, this 5th day of June 2007Hon. Youssouf OuedraogoChairman, for the Council.
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History of this document

05 June 2007 this version