Statute of the African Observatory for Science Technology and Innovation (AOSTI)

African Union

Statute of the African Observatory for Science Technology and Innovation (AOSTI)

  • Published
  • Commenced on 31 January 2016
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 January 2016.]
We, Member States of the African Union:GUIDED by the objectives and principles enshrined in the Constitutive Act of the African Union that underscores the importance of science, technology and innovation as a tool for socio-economic transformation;RECALLING Decision EX.CL/Dec.254 (VIII) adopted by the Executive Council at its Eight Ordinary Session in January 2006 in Khartoum, Sudan, endorsing the Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA) and taking into account the CPA review process that resulted in ten-year incremental Science, Technology and Innovation strategies guided by the AU Vision;FURTHER RECALLING Decision Assembly /AU/Dec. 235 (XII) adopted by the Assembly in February 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that recognized the need to establish an African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation and endorsed the offer by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to host the Observatory;REAFFIRMING Decision Assembly /AU/Dec. 452 (XX) adopted by the Assembly in January 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the creation of the African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation as the lead African institution for the measurements of science, technology and innovation in support of the African Union decision making processes;RECOGNIZING the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, to host the African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation in accordance with the provisions of the Host Agreement concluded between the African Union and the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in July 2010;HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS:

Article 1 – Definitions

In this Statute:"AOSTI" means the African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation;"Assembly" means Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union;"AU" or "Union" means the African Union established by the Constitutive Act of the African Union adopted by the Heads of States and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Lome, Togo, in July, 2000;"Executive Council" means the Executive Council of Ministers of the African Union;"Host Country" means the country that hosts the Headquarters of the AOSTI;"Member States" means Member States of the African Union;"RECs" means Regional Economic Communities;"Secretariat" means the Secretariat of the Observatory;"Statute" means this Statute of the African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation;"STC" means the African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology;"Steering Committee" means the Steering Committee established by this Statute; and"STI" means Science, Technology and Innovation.

Article 2 – Legal status of AOSTI

The AOSTI shall be a Specialised Technical Office of the Union and shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.

Article 3 – Objectives of AOSTI

The AOSTI shall serve as the continental repository for STI data and statistics and a source of policy analysis in support of evidence based policy-making in Africa and shall further:
a)monitor and evaluate Africa Union STI policy implementation;
b)champion evidence-based STI policy-making:
c)support Member States and RECs to manage and use STI statistical information in accordance with the African Charter on Statistics;
d)assist Member States and RECs to map their STI capabilities to address economic, social, environmental and other development challenges;
e)strengthen national and RECs capacities for STI policy design, evaluation and review;
f)provide to decision-makers in Member States and RECs up-to-date information on global scientific and technological trends;
g)strengthen national and regional capacities for technology foresight and prospecting; and
h)promote and strengthen regional and international cooperation in areas of competence of AOSTI.

Article 4 – Mandate and functions of AOSTI

The AOSTI shall perform the following functions:
a)Manage programmes and projects in areas of STI measurements at the continental level;
b)Develop capacity of Member States and RECs to undertake STI measurements;
c)Develop framework for reviewing national innovation systems;
d)Analyse STI policies in the African Union;
e)Initiate partnerships and networks in the field of STI measurements;
f)Mobilize human and financial resources to support its operations and programmes;
g)Establish and maintain an STI information system;
h)Identify future needs and develop appropriate responsive and flexible data and indicators; and
i)Perform any other function related to STI measurements and analysis of related policies as deemed necessary for Africa’s development.

Article 5 – Governance of the AOSTI

The AOSTI shall be governed by the following bodies:
a)The STC;
b)The Steering Committee; and
c)The Secretariat.

Article 6 – The Steering Committee

1.The Steering Committee shall be composed of:
a)Two (2) representatives from the five AU regions nominated by their regions taking into account gender balance. The representatives shall be renowned high-level scientists with expertise in the domain of statistics and scientific evaluation, provided that no two members shall be from the same country. The representatives shall serve for a non-renewable term of 2 years;
b)The Director of the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST) or his/her representative; and
c)A representative of the Host Country.
2.The Executive Secretary of the AOSTI shall serve as Secretary of the Steering Committee.
3.The Steering Committee shall advise the AOSTI on:
a)setting up standards and validating procedures;
b)monitoring and evaluation processes;
c)mapping the contribution of STI in Africa’s socio-economic development;
d)production of the African STI Outlook Series;
e)matters of policy analysis, programmes and projects including resource mobilization;
f)ensuring quality measurement of indicators; and
g)any scientific or technical issues in relation with the objectives of the AOSTI.
4.The Steering Committee shall:
a)elect from among its members, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson both of whom shall serve for a non-renewable term of 2 years;
b)report to the STC through the Department of HRST; and
c)meet once a year in ordinary sessions and may, subject to the availability of resources, hold extraordinary sessions on the request of its Chairperson, the STC or the Commission.

Article 7 – The Secretariat

1.The structure of the Secretariat shall be as proposed by the African Union Commission in consultation with the Steering Committee.
2.The Secretariat shall perform the following functions:
a)Prepare the budget and financial reports of AOSTI;
b)Work closely with Member States and RECs to set up STI statistic networks and facilities;
c)Mobilize resources in the framework of the AU policy in this area;
d)Establish strategic partnerships in areas of competence of AOSTI; and
e)Perform any other functions that are deemed necessary in line with the objectives of AOSTI.

Article 8 – Budget

1.The budget of the AOSTI shall be within the budget of the Union.
2.In addition to the regular budget of the Union, other sources of funding the AOSTI may include:
a)Voluntary contributions from AU Member States and partners;
b)Contributions from Development Partners of the Union and the Commission;
c)Contributions from the Private Sector;
d)National and regional financial institutions and other financing mechanisms;
e)AU Science, Technology and Innovation Fund when established; and
f)Any other source of funding in accordance with AU Rules.
3.The budget calendar of the AOSTI shall be that of the Union.

Article 9 – Headquarters of AOSTI

The Headquarters of the AOSTI shall be in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. The Host Country Agreement shall govern the relations between AOSTI and the Host Country.

Article 10 – Privileges and immunities

The AOSTI shall enjoy in the territory of the Host Country, the privileges and immunities specified in the General Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Organization of African Unity adopted in Accra, Ghana on 25 October 1965.

Article 11 – Amendments

1.The present Statute may be amended by the Assembly upon the recommendation of the STC.
2.The amendments shall enter into force upon their adoption by the Assembly.

Article 12 – Working languages

The working languages of the AOSTI shall be those of the AU.

Article 13 – Entry into force

The present Statute shall enter into force upon its adoption by the Assembly.Adopted by the Twenty Sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia31 January 2016
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History of this document

31 January 2016 this version