Decision on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa - CM/2166 (LXXIIl)

AHG/Dec.150 (XXXVI)


The Assembly:

A.1. COMMENDS the Central Organ and its Sub-Committee on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa for their work, and the Secretary General for the efforts deployed to implement the Algiers Decisions;

  1. DECIDES to restrict the definition of unconstitutional changes of government to paragraphs ((b) i to iv)) of the "Framework for an OAU Response to Unconstitutional Changes of Government" (Doc. Rev.1 of the Central Organ);

  2. WELCOMES the restoration of democratic governance in Niger and Guinea Bissau by their transitional authorities, in compliance with the decision of the Algiers Summit on Unconstitutional Changes of Government and STRONGLY APPEALS to the International Community, particularly the International Financial Institutions, to lend concrete support for the Post-Conflict reconstruction of both countries so that their peoples can begin to enjoy the dividends of peace and the fruits of democracy;

  3. ADOPTS the proposed Framework for an OAU Response to Unconstitutional Changes of Government;

  1. RECALLS Decision AHG/Dec.141 (XXXV) adopted during the 35th Ordinary Session of the Assembly rejecting any unconstitutional changes of Government in Africa;

  2. REITERATES its condemnation of all types of unconstitutional change of Government as anachronistic and in contradiction of its commitment to the promotion of democratic principles and constitutional rule;

  3. CALLS UPON the United Nations during the Millennium Summit to join in the rejection of all types of unconstitutional changes anywhere in the world, and to take appropriate measures against their perpetrators.

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